In deep sorrow we announce that
Solomon who was the director of the band for 4 years, was fired...
1. On
July, 29 1999 "Bialik's Youngsters" will fly to
Padova, Italy. There they will show with some of the Repertoire's songs and some fresh new songs! |
3. On the next few months, B.Y. will work on two new medleys: A Russian medley and a Yemenite medley, and they will make 3 Video clips and the song "Kiriat Bialik Is My Home" will be included too. |
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1. Ruti
Solomon, the band's choreographer gave birth
on April 12th, Congratulations!!! (Mazal Tov!!!). |
2. In
the magazine "Haifa And The North" on March
29th an article was published about Bialik's Youngsters, here's the article: |