Genealogy Index for surnames beginning with W

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Walig, Veronica Wyboutsdr. (-)
Walig, Wybout (-)
Wall, ??? (-)
Wall, Abigail (-)
Wall, Abigail (1740-)
Wall, America (-)
Wall, Andrew (-)
Wall, Ann (1729-16 SEP 1811)
Wall, Ann (-)
Wall, Anne (-)
Wall, Asenath (-)
Wall, Catharine (-)
Wall, Daniel (-)
Wall, Deborah (-)
Wall, Deborah (-)
Wall, Elizabeth (-)
Wall, Elizabeth Mary (-)
Wall, Garret (13 JUL 1778-JAN 1848)
Wall, Hannah (-)
Wall, Hester (29 JAN 1792-12 APR 1858)
Wall, Humphrey (-10 APR 1732)
Wall, Humphrey (1720-11 APR 1795)
Wall, James (1746-20 MAY 1811)
Wall, James (-)
Wall, Jamima (JAN 1730/31-12 APR 1741)
Wall, Jarrat (MAR 1691/92-11 MAY 1771)
Wall, Jarrat (BET. 1640 - 1650-)
Wall, Jarrat (21 APR 1736-23 APR 1775)
Wall, John (BET. 1640 - 1650-)
Wall, John (17 JUL 1723-27 DEC 1806)
Wall, John (1685-1752)
Wall, John A. (-)
Wall, Lydia (5 JAN 1729/30-8 MAR 1746/47)
Wall, Lydia (-)
Wall, Maria (1650-)
Wall, Marshall (-)
Wall, Martha (1740-)
Wall, Mary (-)
Wall, Mary (-)
Wall, Mary (-)
Wall, Mary (-)
Wall, Naomi (-)
Wall, Naomi (-)
Wall, Neomia (1740-)
Wall, Nicholas (-)
Wall, Rebecca (-)
Wall, Rebecca (1740-)
Wall, Rebecca (-)
Wall, Rutgert (1647-)
Wall, Sarah (-)
Wall, Susannah (3 SEP 1725-2 FEB 1754)
Wall, Walter (1772-3 JUL 1851)
Wall, Walter (1745-)
Wall, Walter (1619-1702)
Wall, Walter (1690-)
Wall, William (1810-)
Wall, William (-)
Walters, Margaret (5 SEP 1809-8 JUL 1884)
Walton, J. Roland (-)
Ward, Elizabeth (-)
Ward, Samuel (-)
Warner, Cornelia (-)
Washburn, John (-)
Waters, Anthony Jr. (-)
Watson, Elizabeth (5 JUL 1814-10 SEP 1887)
Watt, Samuel (-23 MAR 1806)
Watts, ??? (-)
Weir, John (-)
Weir, Mary (-)
Weir, William (-)
Wendel, Emmanuel (-)
West, Margaret (-)
West, Zechariah (-)
Wetherbe, John (-)
Weyten, Joost (-)
Weytens, Susanna (ABT. 1600-)
White, Emily (-)
White, John (-)
White, Sarah (-)
White, William (1784-1820)
Whiteford, Gloria Jean (-)
Whitehair, Elizabeth (-)
Whitehead, Abigail (ABT. 1683-)
Whitehead, Abigail (-)
Whitehead, Adam (ABT. 1652-)
Whitehead, Amy (-)
Whitehead, Benjamin (1705-1780)
Whitehead, Catherine (-)
Whitehead, Charity (-)
Whitehead, Daniel (ABT. 1613-16 NOV 1668)
Whitehead, Daniel Major (1646-1704)
Whitehead, Daniel (-1743)
Whitehead, David (ABT. 1650-)
Whitehead, Deborah (1675-1712)
Whitehead, Deborah (-)
Whitehead, Elizabeth (ABT. 1656-)
Whitehead, Elizabeth (ABT. 1677-1712)
Whitehead, Jane (-)
Whitehead, Jemima (ABT. 1655-)
Whitehead, John (1592-)
Whitehead, Jonathan (1672-26 JUL 1737)
Whitehead, Jonathan (ABT. 1648-)
Whitehead, Mary (ABT. 1671-)
Whitehead, Mary (1677-)
Whitehead, Mercy (ABT. 1681-)
Whitehead, Sarah (-)
Whitehead, Susannah (-BEF. 18 SEP 1713)
Whitehead, Thomas (ABT. 1654-)
Whitehead, Thomas (1674-1732)
Whitehead, Thomas (ABT. 1704-)
Whitehead, William (-)
Whitlock, Abigail (1654-)
Whitlock, John (1650-)
Whitlock, Rebecca (1656-)
Whitlock, Sarah (1658-)
Whitlock, Susannah (1652-1760)
Whitlock, Thomas (1646-1676)
Whitlock, Thomas (1620-1 NOV 1703)
Whitlock, William (1648-1707)
Whitmore, Margaret (-)
Wiggins, ??? (-)
Wiggins, Sarah Catherine (-)
Wildman, Clifton (-)
Wildman, Marian (-)
Wildman, Samuel (-)
Wilkin, Mathias (1738-)
Wilkins, Ann (-)
Wilkins, Anna (-)
Wilkins, Benjamin (-)
Willett, Elinor (ABT. 1692-1743)
Willett, Elizabeth (-)
Willett, Mary (-)
Willett, Thomas (-)
Willetts, Deborah (-)
Williams, Abraham (1695-1781)
Wilmart, Adriaen (-)
Wilson, Christian (-5 APR 1836)
Wilson, Mary (-)
Wimbray, Nutter Jerome Webb Jr. (-)
Winans, John (-)
Wineman, Margaret B. (1761-25 NOV 1837)
Winslow, Margaret (-1665)
Winter, Rebecca (-)
Wipf, Elsi (-)
Wirthley, Elizabeth (-)
Wood, Stephen (-)
Wood, William (-)
Woodruff, Samuel (-)
Woods, Frances (-)
Woods, James (-)
Woolsey, George (-)
Wormuth, ??? (-)
Wright, Elizabeth (-)
Wright, Thomas (-)
Wurdemann, Mabel (-)
Wurdemann, William (-1975)
Wyckoff, Cornelius (-)
Wyckoff, John (1705-24 SEP 1757)
Wyckoff, Sarah (-)
Wylie, Adam (-)

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