I have been building my web page for about a year now. I have several sites in my favorites folder to help me decorate my page...Well it came to me...Wow I wish I had one page in my favorte folder to direct me to all the sites I have been to...So here is my collection of sites that I have saved over the last year...More are to come...There are alot of talented people out there...I know you will find what you want in these sites...

**Please remember to download the things you want to your server, and not link to the server sites.**


Animations and graphics Animations and graphics, also backgrounds and bullets etc....
Bonnies Boarder Border Sets,Cute Graphics,Background Flowers, Kids Stuff, Animals, Teddy Bears, Newstuff, Kittens,Valentine Borders
SC's home page...really cute country graphic
Graphics by Sheryl--Holidays Easter Special needs, teddies,Garden, Teacher, Email, Guestbooks,Backgrounds,Angels,Lil'buddies,People,Crafts/Quilts, Birdhouses,Friends,Welcome signs, you name it
Homepage stashGreat site with animail .gifs, buttons, backgrounds etc
Judis doodlingsHomemade bacgrounds and sets...very different and very nice
This is the Mouse Padthis is one of the most popular sites I have seen...The best collections of everything you really should shop here first...
Windys web design38 plus pages of great backgrounds...from colors to seasons and holidays
MatschcaWonderful page with icons to backgrounds....
The Graphic StationEverything that you need for your web page plus original graphics and a help section where you will find information on how to make best use of these graphics.
The Clipart connectionGreat site for .gif and .jpgs in all catagories
Iconzclips, backgrounds, arrows etc...even 3-d images
Cool graphics siteGraphics... TransparentGIFs...ClipArtAnimations... Icons... Textures and Backgrounds kidGraphics... Fantasy Art... Fonts for Fun miscellaneous Graphics... Graphics Utilities Cultural Diversity Graphics...
Icon BazaarThis place has everything from a-z....I like the little cartoon clips
barry's clip artGreat site....has lots of animated also
CaboodlesI like this site...very colorful
A+ ArtIcons, Bullets,600+ animation,backgrounds, bars...very nicely organized
Kristy's Desktop creationsAnimated Cursors, kids icons, full screen wallpaper, wallpaper tiles, plus more...very nice site
Gif Animations Main PageAward winning site with thousands of animations
Andy's Art attackwow what a site...thousands of things you can use on your page "One Stop Resource for Web Designers".
The Clip Art Universeoffers a whole galaxy of clipart to download for free.
GraphX Kingdomterrific place for clipart.
Jelane's Free Web Graphics offers coordinated backgrounds, buttons, bars, etc.
Pambytes lots of backgrounds and borders
The Animation Factory Home For Quality, Free Animated Clip Art!
Media Builderarchive of over 10,000 free images
International Center of animationthis is a ok will find something you like
Animation LibraryChoose from Animated Arrows, Bars, Buttons to Animated Cats & Dogs and many more!
Free animated gifsThis page is your gateway to over 1000 graphics
art a-la-carte Color coordinated Backgrounds, Banners, Buttons and Bars for your homepages.
Free Backgrounds by Renee When you click on the image you'll see how the background will appear with different font colors
Free Bird ClipartThese graphics are FREE and are not copyrighted. Use this clipart in web pages, newsletters, brochures, or any type of computer application.
Get a b-y-t-e GraphicsFree backgrounds and borders for your personal, non-commercial homepage.
Free Cartoons!Here's a web site that has royalty-free cartoons offered by a Canadian cartoonist Tim Peckham. 5 new ones a week. 300+ archive. And they are even quite funny. No cost what-so-ever! Enjoy!
Christian Graphics GalleryThese graphics have been created for the express purpose of contributing to the growth of Christian ministry on the Internet; others have been adapted.
Clip Art and Graphic FilesTons of clipart.
Over 800 Free Custom Textures! One of the most versitile collections on the net. All kinds of objects and scenes.
Digit ManiaA collection of digit styles for use with HTML counters or clocks (or whatever else you can think of to do with them).
The Dog HouseYour number one source for free animal graphics.
Elated: Free Art, News and Fun! (Unique ButtonKits)Over 500 high-quality images, including buttons, icons and animations.
Emma's Original Backgrounds All of the backgrounds have seamless patterns.
Free 3-D GraphicsCheck out E.W. Burnett's 3-D Archive for custom buttons, backgrounds and banners. but there is a fee
The Graphics DepotThe Graphics Depot has a wide array of FREE images and animations organized in a fashion suitable for building web pages.
The Icon FactoryA beautiful Web site, with many free icons, backgrounds, animated gif's, page dividers and much more!
Iconolog Icon LibraryA large well organized, collection of gifs broken down into many subject categories.
Image-O-RamaOver 3,000 Free images for the taking.
GoodiesSearch through over 400 balls, lines, buttons, icons, and arrows to add color to your pages. They're all public domain, and they're all free.
Infinite FishOver 165 seamless background textures (free for nonprofit use) stylized to give the illusion of a continuous image when tiled.
International FlagsInternational Flags, Animated Flags, Old Flags of the USA and State Flags of the USA. These graphics are in the public domain.
Jim's Cool IconsThese area various unique icons
Kitty's Roach's Animated GifsFree original graphic and animations for homepages
Leo's Icon Archive of Iconshas a wide selection within this large collection. The selection includes Illustrator, lines backgrounds, initial caps, butterflys, mozilla
Mike Shaikun's Animated Gif Collectionover 460 animated Gif files and many other items (gifs, jpgs, letters, buttons, backgrounds, etc
NFL Icons FREEwareAll Icons Are Created By the Webmaster
Octagamm's Ball BoutiqueYour source for spheres, orbs, round things and free graphics of all sorts
People Clip ArtThese images of people at work and play include artists, babies, banks, businesses, construction sites, cleaning crews, florists, and more.
The Pino Cartoon IconsTHE site, with icons of almost every cartoon character in Windows- and Mac-format. Plus more
Pixel Pop Art Gallery!Nice selection of backgrounds, dividers and E-Mail graphics.
ProMotion Animated GifsFresh graphics, colorful 3D animation and professional websites.
Rose's Animated GifsOver 460 Animations and still growing!
Salca's Background CollectionOver 1400 Backgrounds
Shawn's Free Web Art!Custom Cartoon Figures and very colorful.