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AOL users (and others using unique, outdated, or non-Java-capable software) may receive an error message while attempting to send an email link from the Java script provided on the previous page, causing a blank or garbled email message to be sent.

Most browsers (unless you are using an outdated version) have an easy way to send a web page or a link to a page. If you don't see a MAIL icon or button on the toolbar at the top of your screen, then don't be afraid to experiment. Right click someplace on a blank portion of the page you wish to send (not over an image or text) to see if a menu pops up. If so, look for an option to "Send Link" or "Send Page". If you see that option, or something similar, choose it to start your email program. Most likely the Internet address of the page you're on at that time will be automatically inserted into the proper place for your email program. All you have to do then is choose the recipients and fill in your subject line. You should be able to add a personal note (edit the message), but avoid tampering with the line or lines automatically inserted, as any change may make the link invalid.

Programs react differently, and there are several out there. Your email or browser help file may provide valuable and time saving information.

If all else fails, while on the page you wish to send, minimize; then start a new mail message. Reactivate the browser window, then copy the Internet address (URL) that is in the location or address window and paste it into the body of the new message (Ctrl + C will copy, Ctrl + V will paste). You can switch between windows by clicking the name of the one you want active on the task bar. If your friends say that the email message didn't show the address as an active link, you may need to advise them to copy the address, paste it into the address bar of their browser, and then hit the Enter or Return key on their keyboard to go to the page.

Basic Suggestions:

  1. Make sure you are using the latest software version of your email program and browser.

  2. If asked during installation if you want to install Java or multimedia enhancements, choose YES. You'll want to use the latest versions (i.e., Media Player), which may be included with a complete install, a custom install, or can be obtained free of charge from the above web sites.

If you wish to send a link to one of our greetings prior to updating your software,
please read alternative solutions below.

(the Internet Address to An Udder Fowl Page is used in the following examples)

Email Instructions

To email a CowPokin' Fun greeting from:

AOL user to AOL user:

(From the script on the previous page)
Once the email screen pops up you will see the page's address in the "subject" box.
Cut and paste it into the body of the message.
Choose the recipients, fill in the subject line, then mail as usual.
(From this page)
click here to begin your email program, then use the above cut and paste procedure.

To email a CowPokin' Fun greeting from:

AOL, Web-TV, or Other user to any user:

  1. Start a new email message.
  2. Copy and paste the following orange text as your email SUBJECT:    An Udder Fowl Page
  3. Copy the following two lines of green text (one of which should work) and paste them into the BODY of your email message: <a href=>An Udder Fowl Page</a>
  4. Send as usual (and giggle a bit)
chickens feeding

In the event you missed the fun by not choosing to send the page to
"Every Chicken-Lover on Earth"
minimize all browser windows (except this one) that you have open, and
wecrazy animationCLICK HEREwecrazy animation

chickens feeding

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Maintained, Designed, and Owned by Carol Tallman Jones
Copyright 2000 -- All Rights Reserved