Good Shepherd Moravian Church
1474 Kerner Road, Kernersville, North Carolina 27284
"Growing in Faith: Seeking God's Way"
Congregational Planning
Outreach and Evangelism
Group Leader: Susan Butler
During 1997-2000 Good Shepherd Moravian Church will be a congregation which intentionally encourages spiritual and communal growth through:
- improved communication of our faith in God
- education about Christianity and Moravian traditions
- enhanced opportunities for service in the community
- A Communication Team will be established by the Church Board to develoop action plans which will enable us to communicate "who we are" and "what we believe" to the community around our church.
- Items to be included in the action plans include:
- church signage
- printed church literature (brochure, etc.)
- other means of non-print publicity
- The team will review materials gathered in our home meetings for ideas and suggestions.
- The team will give specific attention to our unique Moravian identity and what this identity brings to our evangelism. Areas such as lay training and our Vacation Bible School will be considered.
- An Outreach Team will be established by the Church Board to reach out with caring ministry to both church members and non-members.
- The Outreach Team will identify and assess needs present in our community and in consultation with other congregational groups design and help implement programs/activities to address those needs.
- Suggested actions could include:
- more home visits to church visitos
- re-establish taking sugar cake
- providing a tape on the Moravian faith
- flyers
- having a volunteer "outreach coordinator" in the congregation
- Encourage and enable more extensive community use of our physical facilities.
Worship and Music
Group Leader: Peggy Cartner
Good Shepherd Moravian Church will provide worship experiences that nurture and empower all to love and serve Jesus Christ and each other.
- The Worship and Music Committee will make recommendations to the Church Board regarding how in the context of worship we can strengthen our sharing of congregational concerns and service opportunities.
- Working in consultation with the Communication Team, the Worship and Music Committee will make recommendations for ways to educate our members and persons in the surrounding community about Moravian expressions of worship. Ideas include:
- a web page
- print materials
- resources comparing Moravian worship practices with those of other denominations
- providing additional special Moravian worship experiences for the community (i.e. an informal, summer lovefeast)
- The Worship and Music Committee will develop plans for strengthening and encouraging children's participation in and understanding of worship and music. Actions ideas include:
- having youth lay readers in worship services
- providing a formalized worship experience for 1st-3rd grade children
- planning music experiences which combine the children and adult choirs
Our Church Family
Group Leader: Neil Doroshenko
During 1997-2000 Good Shepherd Moravian Church will give specific attention to deepening friendships among members of our church family.
- In their activity planning, each committee or working group in the congregation will include intentional opportunities for deepening personal relationships among members.
- The Fellowship Committee will prepare planning suggestions for our group to use.
- We will more intentionally use our means of church communication (i.e. newsletter, worship leaflet, bulletin boards, etc.) to share information, personal stories, and needs of members of the congregation.
- The church staff will recruit one volunteer who will provide during the next year a regular column in the newsletter featuring our members, their experiences, accomplishments.
During 1997-2000 Good Shepherd will seek to serve the specific child care needs in our congregation and the surrounding community.
- The Church Board will appoint a Child Care Study Group to explore the feasibility of developing a mother's morning out, day care, or after school child care program at Good Shpeherd.
- This study group will present the results of its exploration and a recommended course of congregational action to the Church Board by the spring of 1998.
Growing in Faith
Group Leader: Allen Daniel
Good Shepherd Moravian Church will provide the environment and essential tools necessary for both personal and corporate spiritual growth in the congregation and community through small group ministries, educational emphases, stewardship, and expanded opportunities for fellowship.
- The Fellowship Committee will seek commitment from men in the congregation who will form one or more small groups (5-7 men) to meet bi-weekly over the next year for prayer, study, discussion, and fellowship.
- The Women's Fellowship will for a team of three people to help develop specific goals for the coming year.
- Our Designated Elder and persons who have particpated in Gemeinschaft I will encourage adn solicit (through personal contact, the newsletter, and worship announcements) broader participation in both Gemeinschaft I & II in the coming year.
- The Fellowship Committee will appoint a team of three persons to explore interest in developing a Singles Group--either at Good Shepherd or in conjunction with existing groups in other congregations.
- The Christian Education Committee will begin our Fall Sunday School programming having given emphasis to class choice, looked closely at current and future space utilization, and having encouraged participation by all our members..
- The Christian Education Committee will offer a short term course for members (and/or persons interested in membership) on the "basis of Christian discipleship."
- Beginning in the fall of 1997 (and in consultation with the Outreach Team) the Fellowship Committee will plan a quarterly community-wide fellowship opportunity for members and local residents.
- The Church Board will activate the Stewardship Committee for a fall emphasis and the presentation to the board of a year-round stewardship plan for 1998.
- By fall, the Stewardship Committee will meet with the provincial Stewardship Commision for ideas, resources, and support.
- The Church Board, in consultation with the Christian Education Committee, will appoint a Youth Ministry Action Team to develop and implement specific plans for strengthening youth ministry at Good Shepherd over the next 3 years.
- The Action Team will include youth, parents, of youth, and interested persons in the congregation at large.
Good Shepherd Moravian Church
1474 Kerner Road, Kernersville, NC 27284
E-Mail: gsmc@geocities.com
This page created and maintained by Laura Hayworth and Todd Williard.