Page updated : 16 th November 1997

GeneaNet originated during a newsgroup discussion in 1996 and
was purposely designed to offer the online genealogist a simple and easy way to locate
sources of genealogical information around the world - i.e. a database index of other databases.

Today the main GeneaNet database has over attracted over 2 million entries and is used by
hundreds of people on a daily basis. Information is continuously being added by individuals and organisations in countries right round the world and as the project expands, so specific GeneaNet
web sites are being set up to serve individual countries, all of them linked together.

Unlike many other genealogical databases on the world wide web, GeneaNet is a comprehensive database index of other
databases. A vast wealth of abstracts, one name studies, registers, catalogues and other repositories of information
exist around the world ... held by record offices, institutions, libraries, organisations and individuals. The majority of
this information is "invisible" to the average genealogist/researcher. He or she simply does not know of its existence,
mainly because there is no such thing as a centrally printed catalogue of genealogical information or global
sources/sites. If there were such a thing, it surely would be a huge affair of several thousand volumes.

However, the GeneaNet database can be thought of a such a catalogue, for it is (at its most basic)
a highly versatile index of online genealogical resources worldwide. As such it is an ideal
first port of call for all genealogists (amateur and professional). Searches can be of the 'quick'
or 'advanced' variety, the latter narrowing searches down to eliminate too many responses.

There are currently 6 national GeneaNet sites around the world, as well as the main
GeneaNet International site. All the national sites are linked to each other and to the
international site. The national sites (to date) are in the United Kingdom, France, Belgium,
Holland and two in the USA (Far West USA and French Speaking North America).

GeneaNet U.K. - 14 Tod's Green, Crail, Fife KY10 3UU, Scotland. Tel : 01333 450234

email GeneaNet U.K.back to home page

© 1997 DeClare Genealogy