for not quite a Bible study; not quite a social group; not quite a
prayer group; not quite a support group; not quite a worship service
- but looking a little like all five.
Adult Bible Class (9:30 Sunday mornings). Please come if ANY apply!:
you once read Luther's Small Catechism but haven't seen it in years
you haven't been to Bible Study in a while
you are a leader in this congregation (or might like to be)
you'd like to go a little farther in your understanding of the Christian faith
you'd like to learn more about the teachings of the Lutheran church
you're thinking about becoming a member of Christ the King
you'd like to go a little farther in your spiritual life than you've ever gone before
you'd just like to have the company of other Christians as you walk with God
If even ONE of these is true of you, please join us!
Two workshop training opportunities are coming up that we would like you to consider attending. Dates are February 18 ("God's Own Peace") and March 26 & 27th ("Healthy Congregations"). The information about them is posted on the bulletin board. Christ the King will pay half your registration fee if you'll pay the other half, but we must know by February 1 if you would like to go! Tell Pastor Cahill, please!
BEACH PARTY February 13-14, 7 pm to 10 am. Cost $15 per person. Theme: Spongebob and Friends. We'll need adults to help! Please talk to Pastor Cahill or Jackie Bennett if you can help! YOUTH - make plans to come, and bring friends! We need to know by February 8 how many are likely to be here!
Flea Market / Rummage sale question! The flea market will be held in May or June this year but our question to you is this: Should we hold the rummage sale this spring as usual? this will require a commitment from more of you for the set up and break down. If you will be willing to help, let Toni, Donna, Joanne or Betty know ASAP so we can set the date. If we get no response from at least 4 other people to donate at least 2 hours a day, Thursday, Friday & Saturday after the sale, we will probably not hold the rummage sale, just rent flea market space like in the fall. We will be applying for matching funds and need to do that the month before the date of the event so please pray about this and get back to one of us in the next few weeks.
A request from Stewardship, we need 10 unused stamps from from as many families that are willing. We have a couple big outreach projects that will require mailing.
Please feel free to borrow movies on the shelves next to Betty's office and books on the book case in the fellowship hall.
Cleaners are needed for 2004 February and on.......... Please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex.
Hymn Fest 2004 Friday, February 27 at Severance Hall. See the notice posted on the bulletin board.