The First Oklahoma Koi Society Show, Sept 13th 1997

Will Rogers Garden Center, Oklahoma City


This show was made possible by the support of Koi and Water Garden businesses in the Oklahoma City area and from around the United States. The support we received was incredible. Please take time to review this list of supporters with links to many of their web sites.

Here are a couple of koi from the show, they also just happen to be from my pond. Check back for more pictures which will be added as they become available.

Best in Size 3 (12-15" kujaku) --Judges Choice (showa 20")

Before we let any koi in the door they were looked over and under by a team of inspectors, looking for any sign of disease or parasites. Several koi were disqualified for health reasons in an effort to protect the koi that were in the show. We feel like we did a good job of screening the entrants.

This is the show tank set up with Fluid Bead filter system installed by Koi of Oklahoma. At the far end is the Fluid Bead filter. The water was continually circulated and filtered all weekend resulting in superb water quality for the duration of the show. The air for the show tanks was supplied by CrossTimbers Koi of Edmond, Ok. There were 21 show tanks, they are 300 gallon tanks manufactured by PolyTanks of Minnesota and are a lighter, more blue color than this picture indicates. Several of our members helped by purchasing one of these tanks and loaning it to the club for the show. Without these members the show would not have happened this year.

The show was judged by a team of three judges from the AKCA. Head judge was Mr. Burt Ballou, certified AKCA Koi judge. Mr Ballou was assisted by AKCA candidate judges Mr Jim Reilly and Mr. Larry Gill. In the picture above from left to right, Darryl Welch, Pat U., Steve Kinney (hat), Larry Gill, and Marvin Branham (beard).

Darryl is a show committee member and Oklahoma City Chapter president, Pat from Takeda's Koi Dojo in Gardena CA was the head fish handler for the show, Steve is President of the Oklahoma Koi Society, Larry Gill is an AKCA candidate judge, and Marvin is past president of the Oklahoma Koi Society.

Larry is elaborating on koi qualities to the crowd during the judging. Attending a Koi Show judged by a team of AKCA Koi judges is a very educational experience.


These are some of the size 6 (over 21") entries. The Showa was Reserve Champion, the Bekko was chosen as Best Mature, the Shiro Utursi was best in size 6.

For a few more fish pictures click the links below.


We had a longfin class, here are the 3 top longfins

To see a couple of more tanks of entries, tank 1, tank 2, tank 3
