Chaos in the Kingdom
© Gary W. Crisp 2004, 2005

• Part 6 •

Violent Christians & Violent Results

There is violence in the church today -- of various types and to varying degrees. Following is but one small example, and I’m afraid it is not an isolated one. While I may be able to smile about this now, it was no laughing matter the Sunday morning this occurred. Here is what happened: I was down at the altars, praying with and ministering to a young man who was having great turmoil in his life, and specifically within his marriage. As I spoke with him, counseling what I felt the Lord would have me say, I finally began to pray a very simple prayer over him. Nothing fancy; just that God would give him Wisdom and direction, and that he would begin to see a change in his situation.

I had my eyes closed, and suddenly I felt this young man begin to “jerk” back and forth. Upon opening my eyes, I saw two other men standing behind this young man, and they were also praying for him. Only they were shaking him back and forth! They were soulishly “intruding” into a situation they shouldn’t have. They had come and interrupted what God was doing. The young man’s eyes were now open, and he looked greatly troubled. I could tell the two agitating men were disrupting the flow of things, so I reached behind this young man and removed both of their hands, letting them know they were not needed at this moment. One of the men quickly walked away. The other reached up at my forehead and clasped his hand to me, and he began rebuking the devil from me!

Now I should say here, that I knew of both of these men, and I knew of their soulish tactics and carnal ways. The first man who walked away, immediately found a young woman to pray for, and he layed hands “all over her” -- very crudely, rudely and sensually. He even drew her into a full body embrace, something that I will not tolerate, when I am at the altars, for that is not the ministry of a true man of God. I would have gone over to him and quietly let him know that what he was doing was improper, but I was “unable to” at the moment. Meanwhile, back to this young man...after the second man had gripped my forehead (refusing to let go, and continuing to rebuke the devil), I saw the panic in the young man’s face, so I calmly told him to leave. “Leave now”, I said, “and go straight home, and you just place yourself in the Hands of Him and lean on Him for all you’re worth!”

Then, as that young man all but ran from the altar area, I turned to the foolish man who still gripped my forehead. I tried to talk with him, but he would not heed any of my words, for as far as he was concerned, I was the devil incarnate, because I had removed their hands and hindered their attempts at prayer. I tried to wrestle his hands from my head, but to no avail. He was beginning to hurt me, so I thought I’d return the favor, but the Lord must have kept me cool. I finally mangaged to pry him loose, but with no little effort, and he was still loudly praying and rebuking up a storm. Not one of the regular ministers of that church came to aid me in any way, and I noticed several friends, all just standing way back “out of the way”, watching the whole ordeal.

Later, after I had had some time to reflect on what happened, the Lord spoke to my heart, explaining that this man was like a “boiling pot of flesh”... all roiled up and seething; he was uncontrollable and even able to physically hurt. Beyond what bruise he may have put on my forehead that Sunday, the real damage was to that young man and any others their “fleshly ministry” may have touched that day (or any day, for that matter). To put this all into some kind of perspective, look at it this way: These two men were “preying” men, not “praying” men. I finally just sort of shook my head in disbelief, as I thought about it all. Talking with others later, I heard of actual “wresting matches” at some churches (and I am being literal here), with men physically fighting other men over the dumbest of things! As we have already seen, Paul wrote the Ephesian church that “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood...”

Even so, there are still many soulish and carnal things being done within the confines of our churches. Let’s take a look at some verses dealing with violence, and try and place some of this into perspective.

Manipulative, Scheming & Destructive Forces

Regarding this matter of violence...Jesus tells us, in Matthew 11:11-15...

“Verily I say unto you, ‘Among them that are born of women there has not risen a greater man than John the Baptist; notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. (12) And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. (13) For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. (14) And, if you will (or can) receive it, this is Elijah, who was foretold to come. (15) He that has ears to hear, let him hear’.

There is possibly a two- (or even three-)fold meaning to this passage. Here is one way we can view this verse -- if you will carefully look at these verses, in the context given, you’ll see that many in the church today have mis-read or misrepresented this verse of “the violent taking the Kingdom by force”. A lot of Christians claim that this verse gives any Christian carte blanche (unlimited authority) to do anything and everything to fulfill the Great Commission. That, dear saints, is only true in spiritual matters, in those things of, and in those things led by the Holy Spirit. It is absolutely not true of the soulish or fleshly ways that man thinks it is (such as the two “preying” men I mentioned in the 2nd paragraph above). There has been so much damage in the Name of Christ, and sadly most of this damage has been inflicted upon an unsaved and lost world.

First of all, we can consider here that Jesus is telling His disciples that there are those “in the Kingdom” that are getting things done all right, but they are using force and violence and any means necessary to do it! They are using fleshly means to accomplish a spiritual condition! Entering the Kingdom of Heaven must be done by spirit, not by flesh. Jesus is not saying these unspiritual ways are right, nor is He in any way condoning or approving of such carnal and fleshly tactics. He is simply stating a fact...a fact, as I said, that can be seen several different ways. Following is more, along the same line of what I’ve just stated.

As far back as 1970, when I first came to know the Lord, I knew people who were quoting this verse in an effort to excuse any and all tactics they used in “ministry”. I put ministry in quotes, because true ministry does not include any kind of violence, manipulation or domination, or even the “hint” of such things. Nor does it include intimidation, but I would venture to guess that almost everyone reading this teaching has suffered all of the above -- violence, manipulation, domination and intimidation. And... speaking of these fleshly things, perhaps you, yourself, have used such tactics...? And, to be perfectly clear, I am speaking of things within the church, not outside where there is the unredeemed and hellish mindset of the world.

However, we need to know and understand: There is no place -- no place at all -- within the Kingdom of God for such things, even though we see it all the time. Oh, we may not admit we see it, but it is there nonetheless. Now, let me also say: Wreaking violence on the kingdom of satan and the demons that follow him...that is another story altogether, but I do not want to get side-tracked here. There is a proper and effecient way to attack (and even defend against) the enemy. Here, though, I am speaking of Life within the Kingdom of God; Life given by the Lord Jesus Himself. I am speaking of Life, True Life, Abundant Life, Eternal Life...and there, in that arena, there is no such place for manipulative, scheming, destructive and soulish forces or tactics being thrust upon the Kingdom of Our Lord Jesus Christ. No place at all.

Even Paul declared, in Galatians 2: “(4)...that false brethren crept in unawares, and they came in privily (secretly or quietly, meaning deceitfully) to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage; (5) to whom we gave no place by subjection, not for an hour; that the Truth of the Gospel might continue with you.” Paul says he did not yield to these fleshly men, nor their fleshly ways...not even for an hour, which could also easily be translated as “minute” or “any space of time”. He did not put up with it, tolerate it or condone it, and he gave the flesh, and the ones who were using it, no place in his life.

Not only did he save himself some grief; he also set a very important precedent in the ways of ministry in the Kingdom of God. Doing otherwise, as verse 4 suggests, gives way and makes one vulnerable to bondage, and there is already too much bondage in the Body of Christ today. Paul’s main focus, his one goal, the very thing he lived for was “that the Truth of the Gospel might continue with” whomever he ministered to. He let nothing or no one hinder his mission.

There are many ways in which manipulative, scheming, destructive and soulish tactics are employed within the church today. Next, we’ll look at some examples.

Being “Called Upon”...
or Being “Forced”?

Let me very honestly ask you a very simple question, which you may find difficult to truthfully answer, but here many times, within the church you attend, have you been forced to do something against your will? This includes everything from soul-winning to canvasing the neighborhood to cleaning the church to attending certain “special meetings” or services to any number of “duties” that someone in authority over you may conjur up.

I am not talking about things you may willingly and joyfully volunteer for; I’m talking about the things you do not have a desire to do and never will, most likely. It also includes anything you were coerced to do by any measure of other words, you felt guilty if you didn’t do it!

Let’s say you were “asked” (in a way you couldn’t refuse) to teach a kid’s class, but you had absolutely no desire, no calling and no impetus to do it, and you were made to feel rebellious and insubmissive to authority, if you did not! Oh, you may go ahead and teach it (until they “find” someone called to do it), but your heart’s not in it...and maybe neither is God! And it’s funny, but, many times, no one else is ever “found” to come relieve you of your teaching duties.

Dear saints, these kinds of tactics are not God! God does not force Himself nor His Will upon anyone at any time, even though every church leader you may have ever known does use such a tactic. We still do have free will, although (and I hate to say it again) nearly every church leader thinks otherwise. We really do have free will, until we allow someone to take it from us. Now, please note: There are always “extenuating circumstances” and “exceptions to every rule”, but I hope you get the gist of what I am attempting to say... many things we do are simply because some man or woman has “guilted us” into it.

Even the angel that wrestled with Jacob did not initiate the wrestling match. Jacob did. The Holy Spirit does not invade our privacy and override our wills. Why do we allow men (and women) to do it? Why...? Because we’ve been taught to submit to authority, no questions asked. But whose authority? God’s or man’s? I am not promoting free reign of anything and everything in our hearts. I’m simply saying that even the shepherd knows (or should know) how mature and capable his sheep are. He knows who to watch carefully, and who is strong enough to go it alone for a spell. The trouble is...most pastors do not know their sheep. They have no clue as to who you are, what you’re about, or if and what calling you may have upon your life. It’s true...sad, but true.

Here’s another point, and this is the truth regarding my own life. I have been hurt, rejected, scorned, called names, cursed and abused by the very ministers (and their followers) who claim to know and love the Body of Christ. These very people, whom I trusted and had submitted to within the confines of the church, did harm to the Body -- and to me -- but if I cannot overcome my own hurts, pains and doubts, and if I cannot allow the Lord to graciously heal my wounds of rejection and abuse, then all of my teaching and preaching (and I mean all of it) will be terribly defiled, as I filter all that I am -- as the old, unforgiving man -- through all that I teach.

In other words...if I cannot or will not overcome my anger, my pain and my own wounds, then I will absolutely not be fit to bring others into Fullness, Peace, Rest and Truth in Christ Jesus. It just won’t happen; no matter how hard I try or how good my intentions. I cannot expect my fleshly anger, pain or fear to produce spiritually good fruit; it is impossible! I must consciously and with great purpose “put off” that old man, allowing the new man to exist in the Light of His Presence. Then, and only then, I can usher others into that Presence.

Yes, yes, is definitely possible that good things can happen, in spite of myself and in spite of where I am in Christ, but only because the Lord’s Mercy and Sovereign Grace are at work, doing that which He desires and that which He delights in (and sovereignty is another area I’d like to get into one day soon, for there is much confusion about it). However, if I do not cleanse away the old, making way for the new, I will never -- I repeat, I will never -- fully become that which God has called me to be, and -- much like Paul’s words -- I run the risk of becoming a “castaway”! I do not, dear saints, want to become a castaway, and neither do you.

The Life-line of the Word

If you’ve been correctly taught to submit to God, His Word, His Will, and the Holy Spirit when He may speak or move, that’s one thing. But when men and women “plug themselves in” as authority figures (and especially as the only authority figures), then beware and, like Paul, fight the good fight and keep your body in not submit to man or his ways. How do we know the difference between man’s ways and God’s Ways? The simple answer is by reading and understanding the Word of God. Learning and knowing what the scripture means to me and for me is like a Heavenly Lifeline, thrown to me as I’m slowly drifting far from shore in a strong current.

As long as Someone is capably and faithfully holding onto the “other end”...

If Someone IS capably and faithfully holding onto the “other end”, then I am safe, and I have no worries. Jesus Christ and the Spirit of God are the Faithful Ones holding that Line, the Word of God. If I trust Them, I’m safe. It’s when I allow man and his schemes into the mix that I get into trouble, running the risk of drifting too far from safety, where I may become that castaway Paul talked about.

I many of you out there are aware that there are many, many leaders (including pastors, evangelists and teachers) who are derriding and denouncing anyone who dares to “question” what they are teaching? My goodness, saints, do we not know that there are those “out there” who are telling Christians to “blindly accept” anything and everything they are saying? And they also instruct (by fear and intimidation) that they (the hearers) are never to question any thing that comes from their (the teacher’s) lips? Except, maybe, it is okay to “question” what other ministers may be saying (if they -- the ministers teaching us -- do not agree with their doctrines)!

What kind of Christians have we become, to so blindly open our hearts to anything and everything a man might say, simply because he says we must? Even good, honorable men can be wrong. Even the very elect are vulnerable and can possibly be deceived (Matthew 24:24). No one is immune to deception. Even as I write this, I am accutely aware that even I can be deceived and seduced away from God’s Truth. And, my brother or sister, so can you!

That is why it is imperitive that we study and know what the Word of God has to say, not only about us, but for us as well. It is our Hope, our Strength and, as mentioned earlier, our very Lifeline. Never blindly accept what any man or woman may say in regards to how you should live or what you should do...always check it and verify it with the Word. Even Nathaniel, when he said that “nothing good could come out of Nazareth”, was not chided or belittled by Jesus. No, instead, Jesus said, “Behold, here is an Israelite without any guile”.

Jesus knew that Nathaniel knew and understood the Old Testament writings...enough to surmise (even though wrongly) that the Messiah would not come from Nazareth. Nathaniel knew his Old Testament; he just had not figured it out as accurately as he should have. He was not, however, “penalized” for this. Jesus said he was sincere and child-like of heart (no guile), and He, Jesus, could appreciate that. The Gospels do not record any other disciples of whom Jesus made that same observation.

Leaven of Malice & Wickedness

Taking another look at some of Paul’s references to leaven, let’s see where we are now.

1st Corinthians 5: “(6) Your glorying is not good. Don’t you know that a little leaven leavens (and continues to affect) the whole lump? (7) Therefore, purge out the old leaven...(8) and let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.”

Galatians 5 “(7) You ran so well; who hindered you that you should not obey the truth? (9) A little leaven leaveneth (continuing to affect) the whole lump. (10) I have confidence in you through the Lord, that you will not be otherwise minded, and he that troubles you shall bear his judgment, whoever he is. (11) And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why am I yet suffering persecution? And (if I am preaching circumcision) then the offence of the cross is ceased (rendered useless or made ineffective). (12) I would desire that those who trouble you were even (themselves) cut off .”

When Paul speaks, in Corinthians, of “the leaven of malice and wickedness”, he is speaking of anything force-fed to the church that is “troublesome or maligning, or any ideas that have an evil effect and evil influence upon the Body of Christ”. Instead, he teaches, let us each minister with the unleavened bread of “sincerity and truth”.

Much of what we have looked at within these pages has been a glimpse at teachings and ideas floating around “out there”. A lot of it is having an impact upon the Body of Christ, and it is not a positive impact. There are things that are “troublesome and maligning”, fostering ideas that have an “evil effect and evil influence” upon the Body of Christ. Somehow we, as that Body, must learn that which is “sincerity and truth”.

I can “sincerely be wrong”, as you may have heard it said before, but I cannot be sincerely wrong, if I am living, abiding and walking in the Light of Jesus Christ. If I am doing all that I can do to walk faithfully and unceasingly “in His Light”, then I need not worry or fret, whatever else might be “out there”. If we are faithful to His Word, and to His Body, as we said early on in this teaching, then He will be Ever Faithful to each and every one of us.

Part of the problem is discerning and “cutting through” all the mess that is “out there”. What I mean by “cutting through” is: Are we, ourselves, rightly dividing the Word of God? Or, are we eating anything and everything placed before us? Some of the stuff “out there” is not fit to eat, until you cut away the gristle, the fat and the bone...yet some people act as if they are so hungry they will eat it all. I am amazed at the many sites I visit on the WWW, and I still find men (mostly, but some women, too) who have been so strongly influenced by the leaven that many teachers are mixing in with their writings. The book by the author, that I spent (perhaps too much) time on... I am very aware, when I am reading someone’s writings, just how much they have taken from this one man’s writings -- it smells and looks like leaven is present...

Just recently, as I visited someone who had signed our guestbook, I spent about an hour or so reading through their writings. He had said, in his signing of our guestbook, that he “agreed with everything I had to say”, and “amen & amen” to my Open Letter to the Church. If you read that writing, you’ll recall that I had some pretty hard and critical things to say of some things within the church. Many people focus on the “hard and critical”, neglecting to realize that there is always a message of Hope. At least, I hope I always include that message of Hope in my writings. If not, I’m not fulfilling my call.

Anyway, as I read this young man’s writings, I became keenly aware that he sounded “just like this author” I keep mentioning. And sure enough, he finally spoke of the man. Even though he may not be the originator of this thinking, the words he uses are multiplied a thousand times over, and the leaven spreads and spreads and spreads, infecting the entire Body of Christ.

Just this week, I visited a message board, because someone had invited me to look at a particular posting and the subsequent replies. The things said all reflect the mindset of the things that Paul calls “troublesome and maligning, with ideas that have an evil effect and evil influence upon the Body of Christ”. Harsh, judgmental, cruel and critical railings (condemning or complaining bitterly or abusively) can be seen on far too many Christian message boards.

And it’s all because the church allowed just a “little bit of leaven” into itself many years ago.

Pressing Into the Kingdom
(Not “Oppressing” the Kingdom)

Looking back at Matthew 11 -- and the phrase “the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force” -- even the great commentator, Matthew Henry, had the understanding of this passage, and was correct when he said of this portion of scripture:(Parentheses & underscores here are mine - Gary W. Crisp)

“And those (who were seeking to become Christians) strove for a place in this Kingdom, that (many people) would think had no right nor title to it, and so seemed to be intruders. It shows us what fervency and zeal are required of all (to press into the Kingdom). Self must be denied; the bent, the frame and temper of the mind must be altered. Those who will have an interest in the Great Salvation, will have it upon any terms, and not think them hard, nor quit (or release) their hold without a blessing.”

There is a proper and positive way to “take the Kingdom” or enter in to the Kingdom, and here is another part, or another meaning, of this passage. What Henry refers to here, with “nor quit their hold without a blessing”, is the portion of scripture in Genesis 32:24-30, where Jacob wrestled with the angel from the Lord, refusing to “let go” until the angel blessed him. The angel did bless Jacob, but with a price. He touched the “hollow of Jacob’s thigh”, causing him to walk with a limp for the rest of his life, forever remembering his encounter with God.

The name (and meaning of Jacob’s name) was also changed that day, from supplanter (which means “to take the place of another by underhanded means or by force”) to Israel, meaning “a prince with God, or to have power with God and with men”, because he prevailed. Jacob, now Israel, had reached a place of “understanding”...both with God and himself. He had died to something that day, born anew to a different kind of man, with a different kind of goal and purpose. Before, he had lived for himself, for what he could do for Jacob; now, he was living for and surrendered to God, willing to do God’s Will.

We saw this, in Colossians 3:9-10...

“Do not lie one to another, seeing that you have put off the old man with his deeds; and you have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the Image of Him that created him.”

Paul is not talking about the New Birth, being born again in Christ Jesus. He is speaking of an event, a time, a place of “reckoning” with ourselves and our God. Also, in Romans 6:6 & 7...

“Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead (to the things and pleasures of the flesh, including manipulative, carnal ways) is freed from sin.

And, finally, in Ephesians 4:22-24 “That you put off things concerning the former conversation (of) the old man, which is corrupt according to its deceitful lusts; instead, be renewed in the spirit of your mind, putting on the new man, which is created after God in righteousness and true holiness.

Saints of God...we must, we must, we must be “renewed in the spirit of our minds”, each of us “putting on the new man, who is created after God in righteousness and true holiness.” There is a righteous, holy place to be in Jesus Christ, but we must be willing to put off the old man to get there. Put off our old thoughts, our old ways, our old doctrines, and any old thing that is “corrupt according to its deceitful lusts”.

Straining at Gnats to Swallow Camels

Much of what the organizational church does or is doing (as opposed to the true Body of Christ) is to “strain at gnats to swallow some camel” they think is necessary, and many Christians get drawn into this worldly, carnal and soulish arena. We must be very watchful of where we go, careful of with whom we may align our hearts, and wise in all our endeavors, for not every man and woman who says “Lord, Lord” will be greeted with a warm smile and gentle handshake from Jesus (see Matthew 7:21,22 & 25:11; Luke 6:46, 47 & 13:25, to name a few). Let us be very careful and wise in knowing this.

Yes, there is confusion and chaos in many circles, including Christian circles, but let us maintain love and Grace in our dealings with them. Love and Grace may be the only things that can reach them and deliver them from the leaven of malice and wickedness, or any other thing that is “corrupt according to its deceitful lusts”.

Let me suddenly, but hopefully “safely”, bring this teaching to an end right here, by saying: This teaching has been extremely difficult to finish. There have been many computer problems, server problems, browser problems and “other” problems. In spite of the struggle to complete this, I hope, with all of my heart and all of my spirit, that this teaching will bless and strengthen and bring “to Light” some of the many things that I believe to be “troubling” the Body of Christ today.

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