Some of Our Favorite Links

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David Wilkerson

Some of his teachings, sermons & ministry information, including church service times.

Leonard Ravenhill

A site dedicated to some of the excellent works of Leonard Ravenhill, maintained by his son, Paul. One of my favorite messages is Who’s Touching the Ark?, which deals with the church of today -- specifically where many churches are “trying to put some ‘improvement’ on the ark of God”. The “ark” Brother Ravenhill refers to is any kind of ministry to and for the Lord. “Any kind of ministry” means anything from the music we sing to the words we preach. Although he spoke this message in 1983, it is an insightful and timely word, especially for those of us who have wondered: “What has happened to the church today...?”

Overcomer’s Unlimited

Some insightful teachings on forgiveness; lessons on overcoming offenses, depression & suffering; a great teaching on marriage, and a brand new teaching on Overcoming Pornography.

Integrity Ministries

Missionaries Rocco and Darlene Badenhorst established this ministry with the express purpose of reaching lost souls by the Power of the Holy Spirit and through the Word of God, but Integrity Ministries desires to minister to the hearts of all needy souls. One of the ways this is done is by “Intercessory Prayer”. They firmly believe that the Heart of God is moved upon when we come to Him in earnest, sincere prayer, petitioning Him on behalf of others.

Lost or Found

On-line resources for studying the Bible, and on-line books and audio on prayer, personal renewal and much more. Also: Links to RealAudio messages and on-line books by Arthur Burt & Beryl Wickramaratne. These two saints have each served their Lord for over 50 years, teaching that Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ. Read or listen to some of their encouraging and edifying teachings.

Darrell’s Web Site

Find out a little bit about my good friend, Darrell, and his family, his faith, his church and some Christian friends; contains RealAudio segments and lots of links to some great Christian sites; also have a visit in Tennessee, and hey...what’s so special about the King James Bible anyway!??


The Internet Christian Library: A great place to find Christian books, articles & various helps.

“The Cross In Our Lives”

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed, frustrated or defeated ?
We all do from time to’s an encouraging & helpful teaching.

“Moving the Church From ‘A’ to ‘Z’”

An in-depth look at the “Modern Church” in America
(Not a particularly “pleasant” view)

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