An “Open” E-mail
regarding an e-mail I was sent

Before We Begin...

This e-mail was written as a response to a brother in Christ, who had initially sent me an e-mail, way back in May of 1999, inviting me to his site. He had gotten our address from a Guest Book I had signed, and was going about sending e-mail invitations to many other Christians, inviting them to his own site; these e-mail invitations were very short and simple, along with his banner and link to his site. This “marketing tactic”, used by more and more Christians, is something I do not agree with, and I have offended several brothers and sisters in stating that fact. But this is not why I wrote and sent this e-mail to this particular brother. I spent several weeks thinking and praying about this e-mail, before I finally sent it. I did not respond to him out of frustration or anger, but rather I finally responded, because I felt he had placed me in a position I could not “wriggle out of”...

As I mention in the following e-mail, I did pay his site what I call a “reciprocal visit” after receiving his initial e-mail back in May of ’99, but I hesitated to e-mail him back or even to sign his Guest Book, because of some of the “questionable” things I read at his site. I chose, instead, to “leave well enough alone”, as I put it. But several months later, after he had visited and signed our Guest Book, I felt I now had no other course but to write back to him, explaining some of my specific concerns. But let me be clear... he did not, necessarily, visit our pages. From what he wrote in signing our book, it was my understanding that he only came to sign the guestbook to leave his own URL and banner. What follows is the e-mail I sent to him, with no changes or alterations (outside of minor punctuation and paragraph changes, and one or two words here or there for needed clarification). I place it here as a “way of explanation” -- not only of what we believe, but even more importantly: Sometimes we do need to confront issues and situations that arise in our lives. Especially when certain folks just seem to “press” an issue...

I never heard back from this brother (which, as I explain at the end of this e-mail, I truly did not expect to hear from him), and because of this I now place this e-mail here as another in the series of “Open Letters”. Please note: This e-mail is solely my property, and please understand that I am not “betraying” any confidences here. If this brother had replied to my e-mail, I would have naturally included his reply -- but ONLY after I had gotten his permission to do so. Because he never answered, I place this here for anyone to read. You may draw your own conclusions regarding this e-mail and the matters I address. Furthermore, so that anyone reading this will know that I did not “hasten into” this reply without thoroughly reading this brother’s writings, allow me to explain: He had written a book and placed it on the internet for all to read, and after reading most of it (as well as all of his other writings, which took many hours over a couple of days), here is my response, sent in September of 1999:

Dear Brother...

Probably -- in the scheme of things, and especially in the light of eternity -- my answering (or NOT answering) your e-mail/guestbook signing would have very little effect on anything in this life, but I will, nonetheless, reply. But first, allow me to say: I have no doubt -- no doubt whatsoever -- that you have studied and prepared and spent a great amount of time on your “book”, and for that I admire (and commend) you. I also can see that you have much to offer at your site, with all the helps and such. Having said that...I do have more to say...

...I know it may appear as though I have ignored your visit to our site (although it is extremely doubtful -- after such a lengthy period of time -- that you even recall ever stopping by our site). I, myself, do not like it when I visit another site, sign the guestbook, or send an e-mail, only never to hear from the one to whom it was sent (or to whom I visited). It has happened many, many times, and with Christians no less (and, I might add...I have often wondered “why?”). Now, though, I find myself in the unenviable position of trying to justify just that -- delaying (or seemingly “ignoring”) a visit from a brother in Christ. There are a few reasons for this, and I’ll try not to make any excuses. I do, however, feel the need to explain, and that will necessitate a rather “long” e-mail, so please bear with me.

On May 10th, 1999, you sent an e-mail stating:

“Hi. Saw your name in a guest book that we both signed and thought you might be interested in our site...” [ NOTE: Because this e-mail from this brother is so “generic” in nature, I do not feel I am “betraying” any special confidence by sharing it here. This is truly how simple his e-mail invitation was...with, of course, his banner and URL link attached -- G.Crisp ]

[ And now, in continuing my response to him...] I DID visit your site that day or the next day, but never wrote back to you for two unrelated reasons:

I had also decided to leave “well enough” alone, because I have found in my walk with the Lord that very few Christians truly want to be “challenged, reproved, or corrected”. This is sad, and especially so, because I have always taken the approach that: “if there be any wicked way in me”, I want to know; I want to change; I want to purify anything that is displeasing to the Lord or harmful to His Body. Many years ago, I began to go to pastors (where we attended church), and --as a member of that church-- I’d say: “Please come to me, if you see anything I’m doing that would be a harm to the Body; please allow nothing I do or say to offend anyone or cause any harm”. And I meant it. It was not some shallow, “noble” expression of false humility.

I have taken this attitude into my ministry, where I believe what Paul says in Ephesians 4, about the need to “edify, encourage, build up and bring into unity the Body of the Lord Jesus” (My paraphrase...), and I especially take this position, when addressing brothers and sisters on the WWW. E-mails can be so cold and unforgiving. One dear brother, to whom I am thankfully still close, once completely misunderstood a teaching at our site, and it took me a while (via e-mail) to explain our position -- not that I felt the need to “defend” our position, but there was a need to explain (at which time, he soon admitted: “Okay, you are right, dear brother... The scriptures are NOT for any private interpretation”, so he put aside his own “private” interpretation to see that ours was possibly not altogether “incorrect” -- and, in saying this, I have to consider that yours may not be altogether “incorrect” either).

Another time, a brother completely misunderstood an innocent remark I made in an e-mail, and it took all my energy to try and explain that “that was not what I meant...”. Many months would pass before we would be able to communicate openly again, though I tried repeatedly to “mend the break”. And now, dear brother, with you I do not want to come across as being “high-minded”, harsh, judgmental or even as unreasonable. I do hope to be able to explain clearly and to shed some light in an area that may need it.

I have read your testimony (and it is a most wonderful one!). I have “scanned through” your book, though I would much rather have the time to completely finish it (it IS rather long, though, brother!) -- and I have read your accounts of “angelic visitation”. It is here that I mainly find my concern. First, let me quickly say: I DO believe in angels, as they are spoken of many times -- in both the Old and New Testaments. I have no doubt that Jesus spoke of, was ministered to, and could have “called a legion” or so of angels to His aid, had He wanted to. But today, as I am sure you are aware (from your “About Angels” page), there is much Hollywood-ization concerning angels, and, sadly, the end result is a less-than-true understanding among many Christians. And for one who is so adamant about quoting and “sticking to” scripture, you seem to have wandered away from some essential facts. You say, in your page, “About Angels”:

“The Bible never specifically speaks of guardian angels, but Jesus spoke of children, apparently those he had blessed or was in the process of blessing, as having angels assigned where their angels have direct access to God. Obviously, if all children had guardian angels, they would be protected and guarded from harm — which is not the case. I highly recommend we daily pray for our children that our Lord assign such angels to their welfare. We could use some help too — see my true experiences section”.

While I found this page quite thorough and helpful, I must tell you, dear brother, that if we are to cling to the Word (as we should), then we should not “assume” that something says what, in fact, it does NOT say. Jesus did NOT say (or even hint) that we should “ask for angelic protection”. We are told that we are to “rear up a child in the way he should go”, “teaching them the admonition and fear of the Lord”...and many such scriptural references as that. I agree with you, in part, that “Obviously, if all children had guardian angels, they would be protected and guarded from harm...”, but the simple fact is: It is NOT so “obvious”, simply because we say something is obvious.

I believe it is Truth that every child DOES, in fact, have an angel that “oversees” them (but I also believe that man has “tagged on” the term “guardian angel”). At any rate, however the Lord so desires to send His Protection, it does NOT mean that the angel has FULL SOVEREIGNTY to completely protect that child from every scrape, every bruise or even greater and more deadly harm. The harm that comes to many children is NOT because they did not have guardian angels, but rather because the household, the covering of their parents (or the place they are in), is not PROTECTIVE, for far too many reasons to list here.

And I do agree with you on this: “I highly recommend we daily pray for our children”, but I do not agree that we are told to ask for “angelic intervention” -- that kind of intervention seems to be at the sole discretion of our very Loving and Merciful God. To suggest that “bad things happen to kids” because their angels weren’t “on duty” (both of these are MY quotes) falls into the very Hollywood stereotype you try to discourage in your writing there. I would, instead, suggest that it is the fault of non-praying (or “weakly-praying”), not-so-Godly, and not-so-faithful parents (but, even then, this is not always the case, because I have known Godly, faithfully-praying ministers who have lost children to death and disease). God is a Sovereign God, and He ALLOWS many things for reasons that we could never understand in this lifetime (i.e. such as the untimely death of your wife).

And, to be simply put: Encouraging Christians to “ask for angelic protection” is to be found nowhere in scripture. Paul does not speak of it, and -- in my very humble opinion -- Paul addressed every “necessary issue” the church (then and now) would need. In fact, “praying for” the assistance of angels very nearly borders on the worship of said angels (see Colossians 2:18)...something you seemed to discourage on your page.

I have actually known people who, in their immature zeal for Christ (and in their ignorance and impetuosity), had worshipped and commanded angels to do their bidding -- and they had actual results, as some unseen “spiritual force” carried out their wishes. One such lady (that I knew very well) admitted how deceived she had been, and she told of some of the “strange events” that surrounded their little group of believers, as demonic spirits had done their bidding (including a “flying saucer” that had materialized some distance away right in front of them!). But back to the Lord for a moment...I believe Jesus meant what He said (speaking of the children), when He explained that “their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven”. If we needed to know any MORE detail (or instruction) concerning the need to ask for Protection, I sincerely believe He’d have told us (I truly do).

Which brings me to my other point: Extra-Biblical writings. Far too many Christians today are either “questioning” the authenticity of the Word of God, OR they are finding “other writings” to either defend the Word, explain the Word or to fulfill the Word. As to the latter, the Word needs neither defending, nor explaining nor fulfilling. It is complete, true, undefiled and pure, and I could quote many verses from Old & New Testaments to back up my point, but I’m sure (from what you’ve written & from what I’ve read) you know all of these verses well.

Now then...books by Clemente, Barnabas, some lonely shepherd of Hermas, Polycarp, and others are not to be found in the Canon of Holy Scripture set forth so many years ago, and while many Christians today think they SHOULD have been, I can only humbly ask...“Why?” Why do we think that somehow God “slept” when the first groupings of books were brought together? All throughout time, God has used ordinary (and sometimes “wayward” and imperfect) men to pen His Word (either in the “original writing of” or in the “copying of”). He spiritually “spoke through them”, leading them, guiding them, making certain His Word would get to OUR hearts today, in 1999. And His Goal was that His Word get here untainted, unsullied and pure (cannot an Almighty God do that?!). And not just the actual writings of chapter and verse, but the final additions of the Books to what we now know as “our Bible” today. Many have been the writings I’ve read of late, where men (and women) try and explain the “little inconsistencies”, the errors and the mistranslations found in the old King James Bible, although I am NOT suggesting that you have done that here, but please let me state a point....

...I have many translations in my study (I even have a copy of the Apocrypha, for reference purposes, and so I’ll know how to answer some who may ask questions), and I use whatever I “feel led” to use at any given time. But when I read and hear how leaders in our churches and in the Body today are “questioning” the accuracy and/or reality of God’s Holy Word, I cringe...not in fear, but in shame. I am not one of those who believes that the KJV is the ONLY version -- God is not so limited as that, and neither should we be. Neither am I one who says that the aforementioned books (Clemente, Barnabas, etc) are “evil”. I think they have their place, as historical accounts and/or documents. But not as Holy Scripture. I know of people who freely quote Josephus, as if he were some great apostle of righteousness and truth! Even historians have been known to “stretch” the Truth (i.e. the new revisionists of today and their teachings on the Holocaust). I cannot place my faith in something which I do not know FOR CERTAIN that God has placed His Blessing upon.

If I somehow believe that God -- in a moment of some kind of “passivity” or (God help me) perhaps even a “Godly Laziness" -- did not have the Power or the Mind to correctly and spiritually “direct” the men who brought together (for example) the King James Bible, then I cannot (in all honesty and in all good conscience) claim that He -- in His Sovereign Might -- somehow has the ability to “keep” my poor, wretched soul in His Wonderful Safecare and by His Gentle Mercy and Grace! And if I cannot believe He can “keep” ME, then I am (as Paul said) a most miserable wretch of a man! And, as to all of the other translations, on down through the years -- did God just “step back and let man have his own way”? Or did He, as I believe and hope He did, have His Way with each and every one of them?

Yes, there are some so-called “modern” versions that leave out the Blood, the virgin birth, and other miracles -- of these I do not speak, for God was definitely not “consulted” in these writings. But if I cannot know -- beyond any shadow of any doubt -- that God’s Keeping Power not only rests on every heart and soul that trusts in Him, but also on His Word (both then and now), then I am a hopeless man, following a lost cause.

Are our hearts so doubtful, as to wander “off the Path”, in search of some “higher” revelation that came from some “questionable” man’s pen many centuries ago??? I do not speak this of you, my brother, for I am not saying you doubt His Word, but I do know of people (having read their books & writings) who freely quote “our early church fathers”, and in doing so they actually cast doubt upon the Word of God. And they speak as if they have an original manuscript of the entire Bible at their disposal! I am not being foolish here! They quote and quote and quote, all the while undermining the Holy Word of God, but they (think they) are “justified”, in that they say “this is how this man wrote this”, or “this is what he REALLY meant”, or “this was the TRUE meaning, as put forth in greater detail by this church father...”, etc., etc....

Anything that contradicts the Word of God -- even “slightly” -- is not to be trusted, in my opinion. But I am not a “Bible Scholar”, as these men are. I am just a child of God, trusting in Him and leaning upon His Word with all of my heart. Even in Bible School, I once innocently and honestly replied to a teacher’s question by quoting a certain Scripture from the Gospels (from the Words of Jesus, no less!), only to be told: “That particular verse was NOT ‘in’ the original manuscript!” I did not challenge my teacher that day, but I thought of it many times, and my question was and is this: “Who among us HAS the original manuscript?”, and “How can we know that what men have written down over the years, and what they have passed along to us as FACT, is really truthful and factual?” By this, I mean: Why do we “trust” what certain men are telling us today, as they “quote” early writings from historians and writers of “way-back-when”, as if they are, in fact, Holy Scripture?

They are NOT Holy Scripture! They are men’s interpretations of early scripture, or men’s “limited understanding” of things which the carnal mind of man cannot know anyway! And we surely cannot have the Heavenly Guarantee that God so anointed and blessed these “other writings” as He did so His Word. And, even worse...some of these so-called “other writings” may be nothing less than out-and-out false teachings and false writings, placed into our path to keep us ever straying just a bit more “wayward”! I can only cling to, rely upon and hold to the Word He has given to me...and ask Him to show me the error of MY way -- not the error of His Word!

I do NOT say you are questioning the authenticity of His Word, but when we wander off and quote some writing that simply does not “fit” in the Scriptures as we know them, then it is wrong -- for it can do nothing but engender doubt and disbelief in the hearts of many (both old and young) Christians who seriously are seeking His Truth. I want to place no stumblingblock before any such person, and especially before any of “these little ones”. In your own words (in ch.4 of your book), you state -- “Even the claimed ascension of Mary is unsupported Biblically!” Does it not “ring true”, then, that if you can so justly “denounce” the Catholic writings that (falsely) claim to tell of Mary’s ascension, then we can just as easily “question” you using extra-biblical writings, such as Barnabas...? I certainly do not question your zeal or your sincerity, but -- as a dear old saint told me so often, many years ago: “You can be sincerely wrong...”

There are other factors in my hesitancy to reply to your visit. Not of fear, but of caution. I do not want to cause any grief to the Body of Christ, in general, and to you, in particular. In reading your testimony, you reveal many troubled years (I had a few myself, so I know of what I speak). But when you got deceived by Buddhism, that is not a light thing. Yes, it is true: The Blood of Jesus Christ is All-Sufficient & All-Powerful and “old things are passed away -- ALL things are become new!” (And, dear Father, I pray no condemnation on my brother here...!)

However, I must honestly tell you what I feel in my spirit -- that some of what you learned there, in Buddhism, may have “subconsciously” followed you in your mind, even to that time and place when you finally wrote: “That day I accepted Christ back into my life -- the prodigal son was home.” I am speaking, here, of a “mindset” or a pattern of logic -- not a complete “belief system”. This is something we all have, deeply embedded in our carnal natures; something which the Holy Spirit, through access of the Word, “roots out” of us. Yes, I believe in His Grace and Forgiveness, for I, myself, had spent four long, painful years “running” from the Lord, and I know for a fact that many things that happen to us have to be “cleansed out”, and some by the very roots. Some are painful, and some -- by His Wondrous Grace -- are without much struggle at all.

Many things take many years, while some things are instantaneous (and I praise God for that!). Others are a gradual process; and some are merely “held in sway” by our very own wills. In it all and through it all, the Word of God is what cleanses our minds afresh, with the washing of the regeneration of the Word having affect upon our hearts and souls. I also know for a fact that we are to “test the spirits” (1st John 4:1 and others), and I don’t think this is only speaking of prophets and other spiritual leaders in our lives -- I think we are to be very careful of any kind of spiritual “activity” that comes our way.

Being a spirit-filled Christian for nearly 30 years now, I can truthfully say I have seen and heard “many strange things out there”. I have also had my share of “spiritual dreams”, but I test them all. I have also had plenty of prophecies spoken “over me” (and I, too, brother, have been “slain in the Spirit”, but now -- like Paul -- I boast foolishly), but I do not swallow just anything and everything that comes my way. While I am certainly not a “cynic”, neither am I gullible. I believe one of the gifts the Lord has graced my life with is the gift of discernment -- the ability to tell the difference between “flesh and spirit” and “Spirit and spirit”; the latter being the difference between the Holy Spirit, the spirit of man, and demonic spirits.

You also wrote:
“Buddhism believes in demons and gods. Now in my sect, most lay leaders believed that such was archaic and ‘modern’ Buddhists discount demons as being nothing but immature thought without the understanding of cause and effect. But if you asked a Buddhist priest about it, he would say they do exist and feed off the prayers of the faithful.”

One of the very most difficult things to have “removed” from our lives is the spiritual forces that may have followed us for so very many years of our lives beforehand (I could relate many experiences here, but I will refrain). I am not speaking of demonic “possession” -- please understand this -- I am, however, speaking of demonic “influence”. My dear brother, let me say this simply: I do not know that lights going “on” and “off” are true signs of the Lord’s presence in our lives, and -- quite frankly -- God being revealed “in darkness” concerns me, as He is ever and always associated with Light. Every experience we have must “line up with” the Word of God -- anything less could be to our harm.

Also, and please bear with my seeming doubt...I know (though I’m certain to sound “foolish” in my words) that the enemy has the power to “conceal from us”, or “hide things” or even “snatch from the air” our very words (see the parable of the Seed & the Sower, for one). I have seen it happen time and again over the years. So, just because we “could not find something one day (thinking we have ‘misplaced’ it or ‘lost’ it), but now, suddenly, we can see it the next day” does not mean an angel “brought it forth”. I realize it is “more exciting” to declare such a thing, but could it not also be possible that the enemy just “hid it” from us...? Is it, somehow, even remotely possible...? (There are plenty of scriptures referring to the enemy “hiding from them”, “keeping from them”, or “darkening their minds”...)

Please hear my heart: Try the spirits; test what comes your way. Not all things “spiritual” are of God. Not all spiritual activity is to be so easily accepted without true questioning of its source. And as far as “feelings” go...I have seen far too much in that category to say anything less than this: The devil is a very good “mimic” when it comes to “feelings” and experiences. While it may be easy for you to say “You may not experience the same things as I...”, I can say, from my years of Christian experience, that some of your so-called angelic experiences (such as lights on and off) sound to me like it could be “possible” that it is merely “demonic activity”. But even my “Christian experience” must be tempered with the Word of God. To further illustrate: The enemy “enjoys” playing with the hearts and minds of Christians, not only soon after being born again, but long into their walk with Him. I have known far too many saints that have stumbled “off the Path”, after walking for many years on it without so much as a stubbed toe (or at least that was the appearance).

I do not suppose that anything I’ve written here will change any thought that you may have, but I will -- at least -- feel as though I have “acquitted myself” from any responsibility. As you write, in closing your testimony: “God has revealed much of the end time ministry for which He is still preparing me. He is so awesome, holy, and pure. No wonder the name, Jesus, means ‘Savior’ and He is called ‘Emanuel, God with us’."

I will add: Let us keep Him “awesome, holy, and pure”, leaving no place for the enemy to “creep in” and take advantage of anything we say or do. And may nothing we say or do (no matter how “well-intentioned”) cause anyone to stumble or falter or fail to come to their fullness in Christ Jesus. And it is my sincere prayer that nothing written here cause you any “occasion of stumbling”. I also am very aware that what I am writing here can be received and perceived as a “tool of the devil”, to hinder, thwart and derail you. All I can ask, dear brother, is that you seriously ask the Lord for wisdom and discernment.

I am certainly not saying that you are, somehow, “not saved”; neither am I suggesting you to be in the throes of any kind of deep deception. I am merely suggesting that some of the things we “think to be” of God, may not actually be of Him at all. If your heart is “right” and you are NOT in any kind of spiritual “danger”, as I have surmised -- and I am totally wrong (which, I must consider to be possible) -- then you will receive this e-mail in the spirit in which it was a help and a blessing, from a concerned brother in Christ. It was not sent to cause doubt or to bring harm (or even condemnation) in any way. I am just very aware that the spiritual forces that are marshalling against the Church this day are not only great in number, but cunning as well. But “greater is He Who is in me, than he who is in the world...” . Amen.

[ If, however, after reading this letter, you rise up in anger or frustration or even fear, then I suggest you take some time to reflect on the “very slim possibility” that what is written here may be true; at least let it be something to be considered.... I had all of these thoughts way back in May, but felt, then, that I should not “speak” them. Now, I feel I cannot keep silent... ]

I close as your humble brother in Christ, who toils and labors just as you...Gary Crisp

“The Shepherd’s Fold”

This is the full text of the e-mail sent to this brother back in September of last year (1999), and now -- in re-reading it -- I would like to say: There is certainly a lot of interest, many web pages and much focus in films and on TV regarding angels today, and it seems to be growing. Even so, I sincerely believe the Lord does not want us to lose our true focus -- which should always be on HIM. The Holy Spirit does not speak of Himself, but exalts the Lord Jesus Christ, and Christ always honors and points to the Father. True Heavenly Angels will never draw attention to themselves, nor will they even desire any kind of fleeting and vain attention. They are holy ministering spirits, sent by God to be a blessing and strength to us, pointing us always to HIM!

And, please, let us keep this thought evermost in our hearts and minds: the Lord sends these ministering spirits when He sees fit. We do not or cannot control any of that, and to think we can only deceives our own hearts. I truly believe the Lord does not want us to get side-tracked or (God forbid) even deceived by, first, focusing on angels and, second, by trying to defend God’s Word with secular or even historical writings. God is certainly BIG enough to take care of Himself...and I sincerely believe He has always done just that.

And He always will...

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