The Gift
author unknown

Don't waste your time focusing on your past (yesterday). I've learned the hard way that I can't change what has happened in the past. In Genesis we know that Lot's wife looked back at the city of Soddom (the past) and the Lord turned her to a pillar of salt. We all know salt preserves. God will allow us to preserve the past if we want to. What will that accomplish when we do that?

It will keep us from the promises and blessings of God. You see God has a plan for each one of us. That means we have a future (tomorrow) with God, but only if we stop dwelling in the past.

It is time to appreciate the gift of today that God has given us. Take advantage of the time you have today to move in God's direction rather than away from him into the past.

Judy Petty

September 18, 1997

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