If you are already saved, take a moment to read this prayer and think about the gracious gift that has been given to you by our heavenly Father.

Dear God, Thank you for letting me live until this moment.  If I had died, I would have gone to hell.  I repent of my sins; I'm sorry for them and I don't want to sin anymore.  I want nothing to do with the devil.  I choose to be Your child; a citizen of your kingdom.

Jesus, I accept you as my savior.  I truly thank you for shedding your blood for my sins and for rising from the dead that I, too, may have victory over the grave.  I will love and serve you from now on.  AMEN.

Romans 10:9  That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord" and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  (NIV translation)

Wow, that is a pretty powerful scripture, yet many people never read it or understand it's meaning. Why is salvation so important?

It is simply a matter of being allowed into heaven or being forced to suffer in hell.

This website is being devoted strictly to the topic of Christianity and will not discuss individual denominations or religions.

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