Why do cats always run to the one person in the room who doesn't like cats?

To understand the reason, it helps to remember that cats see us as huge and intimidating creatures. When the cat enters a room full of people, what she actually sees is a room full of other cats - except they are all larger and louder than she is. All these people cats start staring at her, saying how beautifil and graceful she is, all this can make kitty very uncomfortable. Then she spies on the only person - cat in the room who is not making any kind of fuss over her - the person who dosen't like cats. He or she is quiet, looking in the opposite direction, hoping that kitty will look away and go to someone else. Being kitty is feeling intimated by all thoes stares, so she seeks out a safe lap. The only one in the room not moving, not waving their hands, not meowing and not staring is the cat/hater. Kitty will make a beeline right for him or her. A hint for non-cat lovers when your in a room with a cat pretend you like her!

why are cats so curious?

Cats are perhaps the most curious creatures on earth. They can get themselves into a whole lot of trouble because of their curious nature. The cat is an explorer and is constantly on the hunt. Part of the reason for their curiosity is that they are always looking for food. Some hunts don't end up all that successful.

Do cats dream?

The answer is yes! It is probally a happy dream about chasing and catching mice. Just like humans cats alternate phases of deep and light sleep. Dreaming occurs during the deep sleep phase (human deep sleep phase is called REM sleep). During a cat's deep sleep phase, the gateway to the "do-they-dream?" mystery is that they move their paws and claws, twitch their whiskers, and flick their ears. Sometimes they even vocalize and snore. Even thought they seem dead to the world while sleeping, don't assume they are, they can spring to life in an instant.

why do cats rub up against your legs?
When cats rub up aginst you, other cats, the wall, the couch or just about anything she actually is depositing her scent. She considers this part of her territory. It is as if the cat is saying "this belongs to me". Like it or not you are one of your cat's possessions. To annoint you with her special scent, she uses glands on her forehead, around her mouth, and chin. These glands produce chemicals called pheromones, which she transfers by rubbing against you.

Do cats have a memory?
Your cat's memory can be up to 200 times more retentive than a dog's. Although, your cat only uses her memory for what she regards as useful functions and usually only what suits her. A cat's memory is quite selective. Remember that 2nd trip to the vet? Isn't it amazing how kitty remembers that her human house mate opened the door for her yesterday and the day before, and the day before that, but kitty will never quite remember not to scratch the furniture or stretch out on that black angora sweater.

Why do cats bring you their dead prey?
House cats present prey to their owners in an effort to introduce them to hunting, says Desmond Morris in "Cat Watching". Normally, cats see us as parent figures but when they present us with prey, they see us as their kittens. Consider it a compliment, then just throw it out when they are not looking. Indoor cats do not have a lot of opportunity to exercise their hunting instincts. That means you will have to tolerate the occasional stuffed mouse or squeaky toy.

Do you have any interesting facts about cats?

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