1st Generation:
01. Erma Elizabeth Smith
b 02 Mar 1904 Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska
2nd Generation:
02. Emery Burtis Smith
b 19 Apr 1876 Shelbyville, Shelby, Illinois
03. Frances Evertine Butcher
b 28 Mar 1870 Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska
3rd Generation:
04. John Wesley Smith
b 25 Sep 1843 White County, Indiana
05. Elizabeth Ann Martin
b 22 Oct 1850 Effingham County, Illinois
06. Simpson Butcher
b 16 July 1829 Putnam County, Indiana
07. Mary Jane Galey
b 30 Sept 1833 Montgomery County, Indiana
4th Generation:
08. William Elnathan Smith
b 08 Mar 1811 Newark, Essex, New Jersey
09. Margaret Helvie
b 26 Jan 1812 Clark County, Ohio
10. Edmund A. Martin
b 1827 Warren County, Tennessee
11. Margaret J. Murray
b 19 Jan 1826 Pennsylvania
12. Samuel Butcher
b 1798 Montgomery County, Kentucky
13. Jane Thomas
b 29 July 1801 Montgomery County, Kentucky
14. Samuel Galey
b about 1798 Kentucky
15. Mary "Polly" Kinkead
b 1801 Kentucky
5th Generation:
16. Josiah Smith
b 1760 Hanover, Morris, New Jersey
17. Elizabeth "Betsy" Cory
chr 13 Sept 1767 New Providence, Essex, New Jersey
18. Adam Helvey (Helvie)
b 1782 Shenandoah County, Virginia
19. Susanna Margaret Beard
b 17 Sept 1786 Frederick County, Maryland
20. Amos Martin
b 1787 Union District, South Carolina
21. Elizabeth Hennessee
b 1795 Burke County, North Carolina
24. James Butcher
b about 1774 Botetourt Co., Virginia
25. Martha Clark
b 1776 Greenbrier County, West Virginia
26. Joel Thomas
b 1767 Culpeper County, Virginia
27. Margaret Kennedy
b 1771 Virginia
6th Generation:
32. John Smith
b about 1733
33. Elizabeth Williams
b about 1737 Orange, Essex, New Jersey
34. Thomas Cory
b 14 Jan 1739 New Providence, Essex, New Jersey
35. Jane Roll
b 02 Sept 1743 Springfield, Essex, New Jersey
36. Peter Helwig (Helvey)
b about 1744 Pfalz, Germany
37. Magdalena Hussong
b 10 Nov 1752 Littlestown, Adams, Pennsylvania
38. Samuel Barth (Beard)
b about 1758 York County, Pennsylvania
39. Christina Margaret Hussong
b about 1761 Littlestown, Adams, Pennsylvania
40. Amos Martin
b 1748
41. Talitha or Elizabeth _____
42. James Hennessee (?)
b 1766 Rowan County, North Carolina
43. (unknown) [half Cherokee]
b North Carolina
48. Samuel Butcher
b about 1740 Virginia
50. John Gridle Clark
b about 1741 Augusta County, Virginia
51. Frances McClintock
b 1749 Augusta County, Virginia
52. (John?) Thomas
b about 1740 Virginia
53. Barbara Watts
b 1744 Culpeper County, Virginia
7th Generation:
66. Josiah Williams
b 1705 Orange, Essex, New Jersey
67. Phoebe Rogers
b about 1706 Newark, Essex, New Jersey
68. Elnathan Cory
b Sept 1702 Elizabeth, Essex, New Jersey
69. Sarah Simpson
b Feb 1703/04 Flatlands, Kings, New York
70. Jan Mangelsz (John) Roll
b about 1698/1704 Staten Island, Richmond, New York
71. Anna Elisabetha Strickhäuser (Elizabeth in America)
chr 05 Apr 1704 Bad Kreuznach, Rheinland, Germany
72. Carl Helwig
b about 1722 Kriegsfeld, Pfalz, Germany
74. Balthasar Hussong
b about 1713 Limbach, Saarland, Germany
75. Susanna Margaret (Koblenz?)
b about 1713 Limbach, Saarland, Germany
76. Bernhard Barth (Beard in America)
b about 1726 Germany
78. Balthasar Hussong
(see #74 above)
79. Susanna Margaret (Koblenz?)
(see #75 above)
84. Patrick Hennessey (Hennessee in America)
b about 1725 County Cork, Ireland
85. Ailsey McDowell
b Ireland
100. James Clark
b about 1701 King and Queen County, Virginia
101. Elizabeth Summers
b 1707 Virginia
102. William McClintock
b about 1727 County Tyrone, Ireland
103. Martha Scott
106. Joel Watts
b about 1724 Richmond County, Virginia
107. Isabella Kabler
b 1727 Culpeper County, Virginia
8th Generation:
132. Amos Williams
b 17 Mar 1671 Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut
133. Hannah Wheeler
b Mar 1676/77 Milford, New Haven, Connecticut
134. John Rogers
b 1676 Milford, New Haven, Connecticut
135. Elizabeth _____
136. John Cory
b 03 Feb 1673/74 Huntington, Suffolk, New York
137. Priscilla Osborne
b 1677 Elizabeth, Essex, New Jersey
138. Alexander Simpson
b 1652 Amersfoort, Kings, New York
139. Jannetje Stevens van Voorhees
b 1658 Hees, Drenthe, Netherlands
140. Pieter Jansz Roll
b about 1670 Albany, Albany, New York
141. Jannetje du Chesne
b about 1675 New Utrecht, Kings, New York
142. Balthasar Strickhäuser
chr 01 Jan 1664 Bad Kreuznach, Rheinland, Germany
143. Catharina Krobel
b about 1671 Rheinland, Germany
144. Andreas Helwig
b 1686 Armberg, Hesse-Cassel, Germany
145. Elisabetha Theiss
chr 14 Feb 1698 Kriegsfeld, Pfalz, Germany
148. Benjamin Hussong
chr 05 Jan 1684 Metz, Lorraine, France
149. Anna Catharina _____
152. Martin Barth
b about 1700 Germany
153. Sibilla (Imler?)
b about 1702 Germany
156. Benjamin Hussong
(see #148 above)
157. Anna Catharina _____
(see #149 above)
200. John Clark
b Dec 1651 Virginia
201. Elizabeth Lumpkin
b about 1667 Virginia
212. William Watts
b about 1698 Richmond County, Virginia
214. Friedrich Kepler (Frederick Kabler in America)
chr 02 Dec 1689 Bretzfeld, Württemberg, Germany
215. Barbara Maria _____
b Sulzfeld, Baden, Germany
9th Generation:
264. Amos Williams
b 14 Mar 1644/45 Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut
265. Elizabeth (Rogers?)
b about 1650
266. Nathaniel Wheeler
b 20 Feb 1642 Milford, New Haven, Connecticut
267. Esther Botsford
b 11 Jul 1647 Milford, New Haven, Connecticut
272. John Cory
b Sep 1639 Southold, Suffolk, New York
273. Mary Cornish
b 4 May 1649 Exeter, Rockingham, New Hampshire
274. Joseph Osborne
chr 28 Nov 1636 Ashford, Kent, England
275. Priscilla Roberts
b about 1650 New London, New London, Connecticut
278. Steven Coerten van Voorhees
b 1600 Hees, Drenthe, Netherlands
279. Willempje Roelofs Seubering
b 1619 Hees, Drenthe, Netherlands
280. Jan Mangelsz (Roll)
b about 1615/35 Netherlands
281. Trintje Pieters van Woggelum
b about 1642 Albany, Albany, New York
282. Antoine "Antonij" du Chesne
b 1640 Netherlands or France
283. Anne "Annetje" Bockée
b about 1649 Middelburg, Zeeland, Netherlands
284. Christoph Strickhäuser
b about 1636 Bad Kreuznach, Rheinland, Germany
285. Catharina Münster
b about 1638 Rheinland, Germany
286. Johann Erhardt Krobel
b Rheinland, Germany
288. Michael Helwig
b about 1661 Armberg, Hesse-Cassel, Germany
290. Friedrich Theiss
chr 11 Nov 1668 Steckweiler, Pfalz, Germany
291. Eva Espenschiedt
chr 08 Jan 1672 Kriegsfeld, Pfalz, Germany
296. Daniel Husson
b 1658 Metz, Lorraine, France
297. Suzanne Estienne
b about 1662 Metz, Lorraine, France
306. Wilhelm Imler
b 1678 Germany
312. Daniel Husson
(see #296 above)
313. Suzanne Estienne
(see #297 above)
400. John (or Jonathon) Clark
b 1625 Jamestown, Virginia
401. Mary Bird
b 1624 Jamestown, Virginia
402. Jacob Lumpkin
b about 1644 England
403. Martha _____
424. Thomas Watts
b about 1675 Northumberland County, Virginia
428. Adam Hans Kepler
chr 21 Jan 1644/45 Bretzfeld, Würrtemberg, Germany
429. Anna Maria Dietrich
chr 20 Sep 1648 Bretzfeld, Würrtemberg, Germany
10th Generation:
528. Matthew Williams
529. Susannah Cole
544. John Cory
chr 06 Oct 1611 Norwich, Norfolk, England
545. Anne Salmon
chr 25 Feb 1616/17 London, London, England
546. Thomas Cornish
  b about 1616 England
547. Mary Stone
b about 1621 Hertfordshire, England
548. Thomas Osborne
chr 04 Apr 1595 Ashford, Kent, England
549. Mary Goatley
b about 1621 Ashford, Kent, England
550. Hugh Roberts
b Wales
551. Mary Caulkins
b about 1630 Chepstow, Monmouthshire, Wales
556. Coert Albertsz van Voorhees
b about 1595 Hees, Drenthe, Netherlands
557. Mergin (Hendrikje) _____
558. Roelof Lucasz Seubering
562. Pieter Adriaansz van Woggelum
b about 1610 Woggelum, Noord Holland, Netherlands
566. Jérome Bouquet (Bockée)
b 1615 Walslandt, Belgium
567. Anne Torion
b about 1624
568. Ludwig Strickhäuser
b about 1605 Germany
580. Johann Asmus Theiss
b about 1641 Steckweiler, Pfalz, Germany
581. Magdalena _____
b about 1646 Germany
582. Thomas Espenschiedt
b about 1639 Germany
583. Judith _____
b about 1644 Germany
800. John Clark
b about 1599 Kent, England
801. Hannah Wyatt
b 1603 Kent, England
848. Edward Watts
chr 16 Oct 1620 Wells, Somersetshire, England
849. Anne _____
856. Crafft Ludwig Eberhard Kepler
chr 14 Aug 1618 Neuenstein, Würrtemburg, Germany
857. Maria Weissgerber
chr 28 Feb 1613/14 Bretzfeld, Würrtemburg, Germany
858. Martin Dietrich
859. Anna Weber
11th Generation:
1088. Thomas Cory
1089. Elizabeth Layer
1094. John Stone
1096. Jeremy Osborne
chr 04 Feb 1570/71 Ashford, Kent, England
1097. Joan Wyborne
b about 1571 England
1102. Hugh Caulkins
b 1600 Chepstow, Monmouthshire, Wales
1103. Anne (Easton?)
1112. Albert Coerten thoe Hees
b about 1573 Hees, Drenthe, Netherlands
1124. Adriaan Joosten van Woggelum
1125. Anna "Annetje" Pieters
b about 1585/90 Holstein, Germany
1602. (Sir) Dudley Wyatt
1696. Cornelius Watts
b about 1585 Wells, Somersetshire, England
1697. Anne Sherman
b about 1590 Wells, Somersetshire, England
1712. Jerg Kepler
b 1590 Neuenstein, Würrtemburg, Germany
1713. Elisabetha _____
1714. Jacob Weissgerber
1715. Magdalena _____
12th Generation:
2192. Thomas Osborne
b 1543 Kent, England
2193. Wilmeth _____
2204. William Caulkins
2224. Coert Jansz thoe Hees
b about 1550 Hees, Drenthe, Netherlands
13th Generation:
4448. Jan Coerten thoe Hees
b about 1525 Hees, Drenthe, Netherlands
14th Generation:
8896. Coert thoe Hees
b about 1495 Hees, Drenthe, Netherlands
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