Gretchen's Home Page

Hi. My name is Gretchen. I am 14 years old. My favorite color is green.
I love dolphins , elephants, friends, St. Bernards, and lots of other stuff
I have a brother, Ethan and a sister, Becky.
My hobbies are drawing, making crafts and jewelery, listening to music, participating in a puppet troupe through my church,
and going to the mall with my friends.
I like basketball, field hockey, and FIELD and Track. I also like swimming and ping-pong.
My dad started my whole family weight-lifting when I was very little, so I enjoy doing that in my spare time too.

From left to right: Ethan, Becky, Gretchen, Mom, Dad

The first time I ever got my hair cut, I was 12. I cut it 18 inches and donated it to Locks Of Love.
Then, when I turned 14, I got it cut again, this time 15 inches.
I love the feeling, knowing that some little kid out there can have hair because I've helped.
It's really nice.

Go See Snoopy!!!

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Last updated 04/23/04