To put an image on your page you use this code Describe your
You Must remember to put your picture on the left side of your page you simply
tell it to align left: Describe your image
Then type and the words wrap to the right of the image. To put the image on the right
side of the page and have your words wrap to the left, just reverse, type then use this Describe your image
If you forget to but the border=0 code in, your graphic will default to a colored box around
your graphic, it'll be the color of your bgcolor.
Also very important to use jpg or gif whichever your graphic extension is and as everything I told you in
lesson 1. All is CaSeSeNsAtIvE so make sure you double check..all lower case or not
mix and match. To rename a graphic right click on it while its on your desktop and rename the filename only
...not the extension. The only way to rename an extension is to have a program which will convert it for you.

AOL Users....DO NOT Save graphics off the net using your aol browsers. It will only allow you to save them as an .art extension instead of a .jpg or correct this problem simply MINIMIZE all of your AOL Browser by clicking on the _button at the top right side of your browser window. Now once you have it minimized, double click on your IE (Internet Explorer) or Netscape to do your surfing for neat graphics to be used on your page.

AOL Users...You may not be able to upload using the ezupload in filemanager. To avoid this headache, use IE or Netscape to upload you files.
Receive Email from your visitors by making a link for them to click on like this:
Send me Email. You have to always end all your links with the
ending command / just like you did in lesson one when ending your other tags!
You can use a graphic to click on instead of the words by inserting an image right after the email tag and using
the ending code after the image tag.
Making Link Pages!

1. Make a link page and go to your index.html and put an href tag with the name of your second page
like this Name of your 2nd page! On your second page you will reverse it
to go back to your first page like this Home by clicking on the word Home
you will return to your first page!
2. Make a link to another person's page by using their URL (URL is an address)
Carrie's Humble Home! This is how it should
3. Page's within Geocities can be linked to like this Carrie's Humble Home!
4. Any page you link to outside of geocities be sure to include the full URL.

Index Page