Little Miss Hazzard

Very comfy

         Missy was born on August 16, 1999.   She is not a purebred cat, but we believe she must be mostly Manx, as she does not have a tail, and she has the temperament of a Manx.   

         Little Miss Hazzard is her full name, but we usually call her Missy.  She came to us from my sister.  Missy is from a litter of one of her cats.   She was the runt of the litter, and very tiny when she came to us.  She is still very small,about 5 lbs, but I have been told that her mother is smaller than she is. 

      Blackie was born sometime in June, 2001. We picked him out from the local shelter. He was the cutest little black cat, and he was very loving. We had decided to get a second cat so that Missy would have a friend. As soon as Blackie got settled into the house, he became king of the household. Now Blackie is a very large 12lb black cat, and one of his favorite passtimes is chasing Missy around the house. I don't think Missy appreciates the fact that there is another cat in the household. In fact, I see her giving me nasty glares every once in a while, especially just after a rousing chase from Blackie.  We keep both cats indoors, so we can keep them safe. However, we do let Blackie out in the backyard every once in a while. We aren't worried about him getting out, since he can barely jump higher than the couch. Missy does get to go out every once in a while, but only when we are watching her closely, since she can jump high enough to get on the fence..

          We love Missy and Blackie very much!

To contact us:


Cornelius, OR