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California Spangled Cat

The California Spangled Cat is truly a designer cat: it was featured in the Neiman Marcus catalog in the early 90's. Like the Ocicat, it was developed to resemble a spotted wild cat. This breed is not widely recognized.



The Chantilly/Tiffany is a new variety, developed in North America from a pair of chocolate colored cats of unknown ancestry. It should not be confused with the British Tiffanie. Called "The Chocoholics Delight", the Chantilly/Tiffany has soft, silky, semi-long hair, with a slender body, and comes in colors like chocolate, cinnamon, fawn, and lilac, in both solid and tabby patterns. It is not widely recognized.



This breed, of French origin, has a long history, said to have been raised as a companion by the Carthusian monks, only the most recent parts of which have been particularly satisfying for the cats themselves. You see, the Chartreux has one of the most luxurious coats of any cat, and it was prized by 17th and 18th century Frenchmen not as something to hug and cuddle, but as a nifty thing to wear. Fortunately, being turned into pelts is not a fate awaiting these wonderful, sturdy cats today. Known for its wooly blue coat, brilliant orange eyes, and smiling expression, it is a sturdy, quiet, sweet-tempered cat. The Chartreux comes in strictly a bluish-gray color, with gold to copper eyes.



The Chausie is a new breed - a hybrid of domestic cats and the wild African jungle cat. This is a large cat - generally twice as tall as a domestic cat and 2-3 times as heavy. The breeders are striving to maintain the look and coloration of the jungle cat - the large size, tufted ears, and golden, solid black, or black and silver coloring. This breed is still developing and is not widely recognized.



The Cherubim and Honeybear are experimental variations of the Ragdoll. They have not been accepted by any associations.


Colorpoint Longhair

See Himalayan.


Colorpoint Shorthair

This breed, first developed in the late 1940s in Great Britain from Siamese base stock, remains a close off-shoot of the Siamese; indeed, some consider the Colorpoint Shorthair simply a different-colored Siamese. But others (particularly those sticklers to the traditional Siamese color schemes) insist that the Colorpoint be considered a different breed. The Colorpoint Shorthair colors are beautiful, whether in red and cream, tabby or tortie points. Otherwise this breed matches the Siamese in size and personality.


Cornish Rex

Now, if the Bombay is the prototypical Halloween cat, the Cornish Rex is an image straight out of Saturday morning cartoons. This elongated guy with the wavy coat, curly whiskers and big ears looks like no other that’s for sure. The breed originated in Cornwall, and is distinct from the Devon Rex, though the coat appears similar to the untrained eye. The Cornish Rex is known for its soft, wavy, curly hair: even the whisker curl. Its coat feels like crushed velvet to the touch, which shedding is kept to a minimum. Today's Cornish Rex has a racy, slender body, and is found in a wide variety of colors and patterns. This breed has a distinctive personality, too., being a very inquisitive, smart and loyal companion.



Cymric is the name given to a semi-longhaired variation of the Manx breed. In some associations the name is no longer used, where these cats have been accepted as a separate division of the Manx breed.


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