Welcome to Hootiegirl's Homepage

Thank you Heartland Hallmark!

Hi, I'm hootiegirl.

You have made it to:

Its a Dogs World

and here
this is my world
(See I even have ME on the wall...hehehe)

I signed up on 04/24/98 04:35:35.
and that means time to clean up around here!
Please pardon my dust while I add a few rooms
and clean up the ones I have.

You just have to check this out!
Check out our grandson, Coby!
These are his baby pictures!

Here are Mickey's Pages!
Please go and see him also!

Check out all the fun
stuff throughout the pages. Remember,
you are invited to come back to see me
again, I like visitors.

You can see the pesky CAT Kritter
by going into Darn Cats. She just had
kittens so I guess I have to be nice to her.
Darn Cats also has a Memorial Cats of the Past
page link too.

If you move your mouse over a picture and the
mouse changes, click on it to see a larger version
of the pic. I know some of the pics are small to
download faster.

Please join me in the DawgHouse to find
out all about me.
I really am not half bad for a pooch.

The Dawghouse tells about me!
and that is why we are here right!!!


sign the guestbook
with your comments,
I am not a perfect pup (that I leave to those cats!),
and I appreciate all advise. It also gives
me an idea of the visitors that I get....

Please Sign the Guestbook!
View the Guestbook

I would like to send a special thank you to
She made this background and buttons for me!
They are copyrighted by her and please do not
copy them. She also made the background on the
awards page. You really should check out her Designs.
Just click here to see her work!
Kenja's Graphics

You can either wander around to your
hearts content, or you can just keep clicking on
me! Well the picture of me at the bottom of every
page that says Next.
And be sure to sign the guestbook(Plllleeeeeaaaaasssseeee!)

Here you can go directly into the

ENTER the DawgHouse Here! .

or keep scrolling down to see the Web Rings!
and my Awards Page!

If you notice me being bad, you can get
ahold of Sami through ICQ.

You are visitor #

 click here to e-mail hootiegirl

copyright © 1997 hootiegirl@geocities.com
Please come back soon and visit me.

Come on into the DawgHouse and see what's going on!

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