New York City & Beyond

** As most of ya'll know, I took a Christmas trip to see my grandmother and the northeast from December 14th through the 29th.  Despite the discombobulated limo driver I had (for the trip from the Newark International Airport to Clifton, NJ) I made it to the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania at 9:00 at night.  Here are some pics from my two week long "yankee adventure." :o)

Grandma's house
This is my grandmother's gorgeous house, a few days after Christmas.  
We had a record 22" of snow on Christmas day, which beat an old 1940's record of 19" in one day!

My grandmother, attempting to shovel the
sidewalk from the deck to the driveway.
She's an awesome lady and I was glad that
I was able to visit her for Christmas.
My grandmother's back yard - I sank up to my hips in the snow getting this picture... LOL

This is Pierre, one of my grandmother's cats.  Pierre wasn't a fan of
having me as company and I typically just stayed out of his way.
My grandmother's other cat, Zebbie.  He was ready to crawl into my
suitcase and come home with me and often attempted to sleep in my room.

On to New York...

Christmas Ornaments
New York City really knows how to dress up for the holidays...

Of course we had to visit the tree at Rockefeller Center...
Rockefeller Center

Then it was on to St. Patrick's Cathdral, which I found rather impressive...
St. Patrick's

After walking for what seemed to be miles and miles of sidewalks (the cabs were full and/or off duty)
we rounded the corner and were at Times Square, which also impressed me.  The multiple jumbotrons,
massive advertisements, and other lights and commercials were visually stunning.

Times Square

Times Square Two

** We also visited Lindy's World Famous Cheesecake Factory, Sak's on 5th Avenue, and 47th Street (The Diamond District).  
Additionally, we had dinner at my uncle's restaurant in Manhattan, Revolution.  **

Some Additional Pictures...

Christmas Tree
My grandmother's Christmas tree on Christmas Day

Christmas tree night
And, at night... cool snowflakes, eh?

Lots of snow on Christmas Day and Evening...

Christmas Snow

That's all folks... hope ya'll enjoyed it!