The Wisdom of Socrates

Civilization is defined by the presence of cats

Hello, my name is Socrates, and I'm a 13 year old SOB (Spraying Orange Brother). I've been very fortunate to have (so far) lived a good and comfortable life, and in my 13 years, I've learned a few things that have stood me well that I'd like to share with you.

As cats, I'm sure that you'll also have your own tips for living well, and if you'd like to share them, email me, and I'll be happy to post them on this page and give you full credit.

We cats know how to live well. If only our humans could learn to do the same!

1. At a party, don't be afraid to take the most comfortable seat.

Snuggling Cats

2. Snuggling is a good way to start the morning.

Playing Cats

3. Playing each day will keep you younger.

Cats at a Table

4. If you don't like what's on your plate, try what's on your brother's. It may taste better.

5. Leg rubs are a good way to show expression. And they feel good.

6. The same is true for belly rubs.

7. Be affectionate, yet slightly aloof. It'll make you more desireable.

Sleeping Kitty
8. Napping is a fine art. Try to get at least one each day.

9. Sitting on your mother's suitcase will not keep her from travelling.

10. Don't be afraid to express your displeasure. You'll be respected for it.

11. Let the female have the last word. It doesn't matter if she's smaller than you - she's far more powerful!

12. Eat your greens. It'll help keep you regular.

Cats on a Boat
13. Get out and enjoy nature. A little sun every day is a wonderful thing.

14. The right look can say so much more than mere words.

Cat and Mom
15. Let your mom (and/or dad) know you love them everyday.

Cat at Fence
16. Sometimes a fella just has to go off on his own.

17. If you run into a wall, pretend you meant to.

Queen Kitty
18. We all deserve to be treated like royalty.

Kitten and Butterfly
19. Keep your eyes open for unexpected opportunities. You never know when a butterfly will cross your path.

20. Surprise your loved ones. Never be predictable!

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Last updated August 12, 1998
