Dear Miss Frederick,

Mr. Roberts has been out of town and is sorry he wasn't able to get to your note earlier. He has written the following brief note on regeneration, wishing he had the time to think more carefully and at greater length, but hoping that it is adequate for your project.

"Man is born into this world dead in trespasses and sins, alienated from God, and a citizen of the kingdom of darkness which is the kingdom of Satan and of death. Through a sovereign act of the Holy Spirit of God in regeneration, a dead soul is quickened or made alive to God, the things of the Spirit, and the truths of the Scriptures and is enabled to see the Kingdom of God. Once the kingdom of God is seen through the eyes of the soul, repentance and faith must be exercised by this awakened person. They are then justified, forgiven all their transgressions, adopted in the family of God and made subjects of the King of Kings in the Kingdom of God. This inward change takes on outward and visible dimensions which are identified as conversion. Apart from regeneration, which is also designated "the new" or "second birth" a person remains all their life time in a state of spiritual death and darkness."

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