My Own Writings...

All of this work was written many, many years ago. I was still going through a great deal of depression at this time however, if you look into the depths of these writings, it is very obvious that I was seeking a higher power to take control of my very unhappy life. He did and I am forever greatful to my Lord, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross at calvary for me. Thank You God for sending Your son!


Please Dear Lord...

Please Dear Lord...

Take me as I offer myself.

Direct me onto a path for which I must pursue to fulfill my duties on this plane.

Use me as I must be used...this I will leave up to you, for you and only you, have the power to give me the strength I need to carry out my responsibilities on this Earth.

Show me reason for everyday struggles and I shall overcome them, for then and only then, will I know they are worthwhile.

Help me to help others, help me to help myself.

If I fail to receive those things in life I have asked for of myself, then I shall know it is because I have not worked for them.

If I succeed in receiving those things in life I have not asked for of myself, then I shall know it is because I have earned them.

When I am depressed beyond all happiness, please Dear Lord, give me the strength to forget my upsets and attempt a new outlook, for I know contentment will be with me at that time.

And please Dear Lord, keep my healthy through all my years on this plane so that I am able to fulfill those duties which you have assigned for me in this life.

Tracy Lee McMulkin-Miller

October 29, 1980

No Title

Computers of all sorts have taken mans place,
A question of discouragement stays on ones face.
Reluctant to look for a promise of fate,
But rather, sit back lazily and wait.

Hussle and bussle, do things very fast, For not every hope of a man shall last. Don't let one change of happiness go by. For you'll always look back and ask yourself why?

Shall a buy a new house or rent from an owner? Should I find a companion or remain happy a loner? Will the world end in sorrow, bitterness and hate? Or will God save our souls before it's too late?

Tracy Lee McMulkin-Miller October 27, 1980

A Lesson of Life...

Walking along the sandy beach,
I remembered...I remembered why I was sent there...
Yet, I wasn't sure if I could fulfill my purpose.

I continued to walk when a stranger passed me by. He said hello with a smile.

As I continued to walk along the sandy beach... I turned to find the stranger had disappeared.

I stubbed my toe on a rock and fell. Looking up, I gasped... For there in front of me was a stranger. He said hello with a smile.

Look ahead and you will be greeted with happiness... Turn to look behind and you will be punished with pain.

Tracy Lee McMulkin-Miller October 27, 1980

Nature In Season

Springtime blossoms with pre-summer air,
It flowws about, so free, so fair.
The sky is bright blue and clouds are gone,
A bird flies high and sings his song.

The March snow melts and flows into springs, The trees all blossom and caterpillars form wings. All the tulips and marigolds burst into bloom. And at midnight look up and see a full moon.

The stars shine so brightly, so gay and so free, It appears as though they are kissing that tree. For they sparkle and twinkle as bold as they are, There isn't a more beautiful sight by far.

The bee's in their hives produce their honey. The fawn stands up and wobbles so funny. The bear's come out after winter hibernation, The snakes have had a long vacation.

Summer months turn warmer, day by day, The amnimals are back, they're back to stay. They'll be here 'til Fall and then they'll go, For animals can sense the oncoming snow.

Autumn leaves change their colors to red and gold, Every flower as wilted, for that's what I'm told. Jack Frost nibbles at every solitary root, The ground is frozen and crisp leaves turn to soot.

The snow shelters the grass for a very long time, And you see no green, not a tree, nor a vine. The blue waters freeze to a sheet of white ice, And snow falls again, more than once, more than twice.

Everything stands silent, so peaceful, so still, Nature takes her own course, not by force, but by will. Then gradually the snow melts, slowly yet fast, For Spring has come again, it's back at last!

Tracy Lee McMulkin-Miller 1975

Feeling Wanted

When times are rough and chips are down,
And noone seems to care.
The times when you're afraid to ask,
For food when your cubbards are bare.

Moments when you sulk alone, And share your tears with your bed. At times you think you're going mad, You often wish you were dead.

You own no car, the lease is up, You think, where will I go? The pride you hold inside of you, Makes begging seem pretty low.

Then one night you get a call, A friend has offered his home, You're so choked up and feeling good, Because you're no longer alone.

When chips were down and you were lost, Afraid you wouldn't make it along. A friend extended his hand to you, And proved that you were wrong.

This poem came from my heart to you, Much love is sealed inside. My feelings which I hold within, I'd rather share than hide.

Tracy Lee McMulkin-Miller November 19, 1980

Shall I Seek?

Shall I seek to find a love,
A love to be untrue?
Shall I seek to find a hope,
A hope I never knew?

Shall I seek to find a path, A path that has no end? Shall I seek to find a word, A word of faith to send?

Shall I seek to find a key, A key to fit a door? Shall I seek to find a man, A man who's rich or poor?

Shall I seek to find a reason why, A why that has no answer? Shall I seek to find a cure, A cure much needed for cancer?

Shall I seek for everlasting hope, A hope that has no meaning? Shall I seek for the hand of God, A hand we all are needing?

Tracy Lee McMulkin-Miller October 27, 1980

Moments and Memories

As we sat there, late one eve,
My thoughts they attempted to conceive.
And though they were not really sure,
Their doubts I was to surely cure.

Reminiscense was present then, Remember this and remember when? All those times, the things we did, When you were just a little kid.

Remember yesterday, remember tomorrow, Remember the triumphs, remember the sorrow. And mother spanked you when you weren't wrong, The days seemed short, the nights seemed long.

We're older now, some youth has past, But for some of us, our youth will last. Time stands still not, it never can. For any woman, for any man.

As we sat there, late one eve, My thoughts I did let them conceive. Remember this night, as one of past, But forget not, the friendship that is to last.

Tracy Lee McMulkin-Miller October 23, 1980

When People...Think?

When people try to rush me or shove me into a crowd,
I stop and think.

When people ask me stupid questions, I sit down and think.

When people don't understand me, I run away to hide and think.

When people judge my way of doing things, I pause a moment and think.

When people laugh at my styles and beliefs, I sit back and laugh, but think.

Why do people do these things? Without thinking?

I know my way of doing things, Is right for me, not the people.

Because I take my time to think!

Tracy Lee McMulkin-Miller 1975

A Friend Is A True Friend

A friend is a true friend...only when chosen for a full lifetime...
That friendship must be everlasting...
Not only through the good times, but also through the bad.

A friend is a true friend... Only when time has separated you and that friend can tap you on the shoulder and say... "Gee you look great!" and "How has life been treating you?"

A friend is a true friend... Only when all the times you shared... All the memories... Can be looked back upon as moments in your lifetime you have chosen to... Either remember or forget.

A friend is a true friend... Only when you realize that no matter what happened in the past... Be it goodness or evil... That friend will be there for you if you truly need someone.

A friend is a true friend...only when pride no longer stands in front of you... But rather behind you... And that friend can make the first step to begin a new relationship with no shame.

A friend is a true friend... Only when they can admit wrongdoings... But at the same time... Receive admittance from the other... Who's friendship they have always cherished... No matter what.

A friend is a true friend... Only when honesty bonds that union... When laughter, sorrow, joy, pain, fear, love and hate... Can be combined as feelings you share with one another.

A friend is a true friend... Only when something like this can be read... Understood... And bring out a very special meaning... Without having to sign your name to it.

Tracy Lee McMulkin February 10, 1981


There were days of sadness, months of depression,
The time went on in endless succession.
No sleep, no laughter, just endless tears,
I thought that it would last for years.

But now life is changing for me, I am quite happy, as you can see, I can't quite say what caused it all, But I thank God I didn't fall.

My job, my home, my peace of mind, Did take forever, but I did find. That the people I had never met, Have taught me that I should not fret.

I've learned some lessons that must be learned, But none of them I have not earned. I worked, I prayed and hoped some too, I sacrificed many things, never few.

But now I'm happy, peaceful, content. I do not show so much resent. The only thing I can honestly say. Is that my family see it my way.

They don't have to approve or really agree, Just love this person, Tracy, me. I did not hurt them out of spite, I just tried to do what I thought was right.

It may take weeks, months, maybe years, But on Tracy's face, you will see no more tears. I'm grown up now and on my own, And I'll never again be all alone.

I have my family that cares right here, And I missed out for many a year. Shall I someday, prove them wrong, That I was the right one all along.

Although I love and miss them too, I now have no reason to misconstrue. For I'm content the way I live, Their love for me, they did not give.

Tracy Lee McMulkin-Miller March 31, 1980

No Title

If never a more valuable thing exists,
Shall I capture this thing that does?
May I find a true meaning of happiness,
In my walks through this world of unknown?

The time that passes by us is so forgotten, Except the memories that settle having value. And this thought so fresh in our minds, Like it just took place yesterday.

All the purposes that we gather through life, Are taught through experiences with others, These are the lessons learned that lead our lives, And always remain a part of our memories.

Once a true purpose is set in one's mind, It is saught out for eternity. But no where, at any given time, Is anything for certain.

Our morals, thoughts and everyday doings, Are ones of wonder and curiousity. Our personalities, emotions and wonders, Are molded by one superior being...GOD.

Tracy Lee McMulkin-Miller March 31, 1980

No Title

One part of my life was filled with dreary thoughts...
Thoughts of darkness, sorrow and absolute hopelessness.
After a Will led me back into the real existance of life...
A new beginning I did set, as a goal...and it grew stronger.

This Will for happiness has opened new doors for my life, Doors that at one time, were slammed in my face. But now a Force has made my ideas and ambitions go to work, And shall those dreary thoughts return, the Force grow stronger.

After weeks, months and years drifted by, ever so fast, I realized that my time was getting shorter. So the ambition for love and happiness grows greater, And the wishes, hopes and dreams, appear more demanding.

Tracy Lee McMulkin-Miller April 1, 1980

What Is A Sister?

A sister is someone you can count on,
She'll be there in your time of need.
A sister is someone to share thoughts with,
Although your mind she can always read.

A sister is someone to love and to hold, She'll clench you in her warm embrace. A sister is someone who always means well, And notices that hurt look on your face.

A sister is someone to share your secrets. She'll always promise to keep. A sister is someone to sit up with all night, If one or the other can't sleep.

A sister is someone to honor and respect, She'll always try the same for you, A sister is someone to cherish for life, And you'll always know that I do.

A sister is someone who wonders a lot, She'll question all moves that you make. A sister is someone you never could hurt, Your answers she must not mistake.

A sister is someone who always forgives you, She'll always try to understand why. A sister is someone who makes you feel better, When you feel like you just want to die.

A sister is someone who encourages you, She'll push you until she has won. A sister is someone who points out your good points, And even your faults when you have some.

A sister is someone to believe in, She'll believe in you 'til the end. A sister is someone who'll cancel that fight, Instead, a loving hand she will lend.

A sister is someone to love forever, She'll always love you just as much. A sister is someone who'll brighten your day. Just at the thought of her touch.

And last but not least... A sister is someone who grows with you day by day. You get old and wiser and closer each moment, In each and every way!

Tracy Lee McMulkin-Miller March 5, 1981

My Dream Of A Dream

Someone once told me a fairy tale,
Of a princess and a prince.
I think the fate that tale did tell,
Stayed with me ever since!

I often dream a bold white steed, Appears this one dark night. And carries my fragile body, Far away and out of sight!

The kingdom (or my neighborhood), Searches for my being. The fairy tale that I am in. For some reason, they aren't seeing?

Could it be my pumpkin coach, Is no more up on wheels? Or maybe it's because I lost, One of the glass slipper heals?

I don't know, I'm not quite sure, Which fairy tale I'm dreaming? All I know is when I wake, All tales I will be leaving!

I wish the world sometimes could be, As simple as a dream. Just think if this was really true, How happy life would seem!

Tracy Lee McMulkin-Miller October 27, 1980

Mail Order Rip Off

Satisfaction guaranteed you,
Or your money back.
We just forgot to tell you,
What we the company lack!

A double bonus we will send you, If you order quickly. We just forgot to tell you, That our firm is very shifty!

Our guarantee is good for only, Ten days upon receiving. We just forgot to tell you, Our company soon is leaving!

We'll pack our bags tomorrow, Our address we will not leave. We just forgot to tell you, Your package you'll never receive!

Tracy Lee McMulkin-Miller October 27, 1980

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