Heaven's Healthiest

Lifestyle Standards For Christians To Live By And Why They Are Important

Image Diagram of God's Universal Laws of Love

Index to Bible Themes and Quizzes


How Vital are Health Laws in God's Sight?

Just Enough Sunlight for Health

Walking for Fun and Fitness

Editorial Comment

Please send all comments, suggestions, or manuscripts to: Kathryn D. Terrell, Editor -- EMAIL Articles to be considered for publication should be from 100 to 800 words long. At this time we are unable to pay for any manuscripts used.

NOTE: Editorial Comment

Anyone who makes the high profession of being a Bible believing Christian has a lot to live up to. Our example is important and our growth in grace is vital. We need to exercise our faith for optimum spiritual health just as we need to exercise our bodies for the best of physical health. We need to partake of God's written word daily to nourish us spiritually, and it's also essential to partake of the best foods for proper nourishment of the body.

Physical and Moral Health

God's Standards for our
Spiritual, Mental, and Physical Wellbeing

Heaven's Healthiest

You are reading a new website publication specifically designed to promote spiritual, mental, and physical health from the viewpoint of the Christian walk and the soon return of our Saviour in the clouds of heaven. May you be greatly blessed by reading its contents. We hope and pray, as a result of reading these pages, you will have better mental and physical health and thus be enabled to also grow spiritually.

Links are included to web pages where you may partake of spiritual food from Bible themes, uplifting poetry, and thought provoking writings.


If you are one of the many who accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour and you truly wish to serve Him the rest of your life, the following is for you. Or, you are a searching individual, trying your best to find some answers to the meaning of life or wanting to see if God has something for you--does he really care about what you do?

Let's presume you already believe (to keep focused on a particular topic) that God loves you. Because He loves you He wants you to be happy. As any good parent, He knows your happiness depends on whether you learn self-control, self-discipline and responsibility. Thus, He has designed specific laws to guide you through this life and prepare you to socialize with unfallen, perfect beings in the future life. Let's presume you are aware the Creator made us,in the beginning and through the plan of redemption,to find our happiness in service--willing service to God and our fellow created beings. You and I may be happy only in obedience to God and by service to all who need us.

Obedience to moral laws (the ten commandments) will make sense to most of us. Lying, stealing, murder are not God's way and we recognize such things as evil and undesirable. Habits we have formed may interfere wih our obedience to these laws, but we may recognize, with God's help, they can be overcome.

Yet, there is another set of laws God would have us obey too. These are natural laws, or health laws. These govern how well our body and mind function. Though sin and evil have done much damage to the bodies and minds of humans, how we treat our bodies is a responsibility given to us by God. We are accountable for the choices we make in life, if we are aware of these choices, or if we choose to be ignorant of better choices.

Why is it important God's children obey health laws? Will disregard of these natural laws effect our relationship with God? Yes. There are several texts in the Bible that indicate this. 1 Corinthians 3:16,17; 6:19,20; and 10:31 are good examples of this. Whatever we eat or drink or whatever we do, we are to do to the glory of God. How does our body health enter into this directly? Our bodies are described as the temple for the presence of the Holy Spirit. If we want God to direct our lives, we need Him to have full access to our minds. Through careful Bible study, we will class gluttony and addictions right along with lying, stealing and murder. God wants to forgive us for our past sins, but He also wants us to repent, turn around, and forsake our sinning. This takes time, but our physical habits can help or hinder our progress.

Physical habits have a direct influence on mental stability and moral fiber. The mind and body are intimately tied up with each other. There is a slow suicide involved with the willing neglect of obedience to health laws.

What are these natural laws? They are found in everything God has so graciously supplied on this earth for our benefit--air, sunshine, water, food, exercise, moderation or temperance, rest, and trust in divine power. Proper use of these gifts from God will supply us with the best mental and physical health we can obtain in this present world. The best spirutal health can only be realized if one is endeavoring to attain and maintain their physical and mental health.

Thus, we have two sets of laws that our Creator has given to us for our good. And, we have a Saviour who will give us divine power (2 Peter 1:3,4) to keep both of these. Any struggles we have in our efforts to keep God's laws are caused by our fallen human nature. But God has promised us victory through the shed blood of His Son.

The physical and moral laws of God have depth. The moral law reaches down to our thoughts and motives. We cannot be Christians by a surface work. The fruits that appear in the life must be nutritious. Produce must be well fertilized. The soil it grows in must have all the minerals and elements needed to grow food that will nourish to the utmost degree. Thus, with spiritual fruit--what we receive through roots of the plant will determine the quality of fruit and even the quantity. The quality of works depends on our connection with divine power. We cannot grow into mature Christians without a vital connection with our Source of spiritual nutrition.

HEALTH LAW NO. 1 -- The natural laws of health also have their depth. The quality of water we drink and the applications for cleansing and for hydrotherapy purposes in sickness are not always thought of or used properly.

HEALTH LAW NO. 2 -- The food and drink we partake of may nourish or poison us, depending on what it consists of, when and how it is eaten. Books like "Old MacDonald's Factory Farm," "Food For A Small Planet," and organic gardening books have made us increasingly aware of what we eat. Many of us have become vegetarians. This, after all, was the diet God gave to Adam and Eve in the beginning and doubtless will be our food in eternity.

HEALTH LAW NO. 3 -- Physical fitness has become an issue in the last few decades. Many of us recognize regular aerobic exercise is essential for the best of health.

HEALTH LAW NO. 4 -- The problems of ozone and smog have made us more aware of the quality of air we breathe. Exercise and deep breathing of the freshest air we can be in, will make a difference. And, we know how detrimental smoking is to our delicate air passages, as well as to the rest of the body.

HEALTH LAW NO. 5 -- Proper rest can make a difference in the way we feel. This would include relaxation and the kind of recreation that is really re-creation--a change of pace or a different setting, a wholesome hobby. These all would enter into proper rest. The preoccupation with fiction, unnatural and exciting games does more harm than good for the nerves and brain. And, of course, what we behold we are influenced by. Real re-creation would be more like family picnics, hikes, gardening, family worship, reading to one another, arts and craft projects.

HEALTH LAW NO. 6 -- The good, old sunshine comes along with the fresh air and exercise. One can take in the sun without overdoing it. If you plan to spend much time in direct sunlight, wear clothing to protect the skin, and large brimmed hats.

HEALTH LAW NO. 7 -- Temperance in use of sunlight and in all the rest of the laws of health is vital. In fact, it is considered to be one of these laws. This would include total abstainence of that which is harmful and moderation in all things that are basically good for us.

How do we accomplish all this? Some of us have a time with getting enough of the right kind of exercise. Or, we have eating habits that lay the foundation for serious illness--overeating, too many sweets, greasy food, etc. Perhaps we smoke or drink alcoholic beverages. There are many poisons in this world, and we aren't aware of everything that may be harmful to our bodies and minds. Yet, we want to be rid of as many of these as possible. We want to obey our Creator and Redeemer. We want to find the true happiness and future life He promises to us.

HEALTH LAW NO. 8 -- This is where the eighth natural law comes in. This goes right along with the Moral Law God has promised to write in our hearts and minds. This health law is "trust in divine power." It is really the center of the rest of God's laws. Our trust in His power is based on our trust in the fact He loves us with an "everlasting love."

We should come to the place where we no longer doubt, even for a moment, that our Creator and Redeemer want what is for our ultimate, everlasting happiness. and, we will come to this place if we seek for His divine power to help us keep both His moral and health laws. Just as God's moral laws will be written in our hearts and minds, His physical law will be written on every fiber and cell of our bodies. Though,until Jesus returns, we won't have perfect bodies, we can gain perfect characters. We can be filled with His Spirit and walk in His steps.

Paul speaking of the athletes of his time said, "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown. Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified." 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. Our goal is much higher than these athletes. Thus, our efforts to obey all of God's laws should be much greater than theirs. We have God's promises to back us up and we have His "divine power" (2 Peter 1:3,4 NKJV) to aid our efforts.

So, our main work is to "choose" the best He has for us. We have the power of choice every day of our lives. Plus, we have the promise of His forgiveness if we do falter or fall. Then we must get up again, take firmer hold of our Saviour's hand, and march on to victory.####


Just Enough Sunlight For Health

By K. D. Terrell

The summer heat usually drives people to seek cool places. Water and shade are welcome. Yet, many will spend too much time in the sun. Either they work in the sun or they feel they must get a tan. If you have to be in the sun more than a few minutes, protect yourself with clothing or/and a sun screen (even if you're in the water). Sunburns are not fun, and skin cancer is related to over-exposure in direct sunlight.

The best time to work outside is in the early morning or late evening. Besides being cooler, the ultra violet rays are less intense at these times. Do your walking or gardening early or late. We need to copy our south-of-the-border neighbors and use the middle of the day for a siesta. If you want to be outdoors, find a shady spot for your activities. If you don't have large shade trees (or even if you do) put some awning up, build a porch, pagoda, or an arbor. Or if you have no space, take your project (if it doesn't take electricity) to a shady park.

Catch up on your reading while sitting in the shade, or play games with the kids. Crochet or pot plants--you know ten dozen things you could do. Of course, go inside whenever you want. The sun won't harm you there. But we need plenty of fresh air.

So consider spending time outdoors everyday in the early morning or evening. The summer days are long. It's possible to get a lot done. The birds sing sweeter and the flowers are fresher when you rise with the dawn. And spending the dusk in the fresh air helps us unwind for the day. We can begin to relax before we lie down to sleep.

Yes, sunshine is important for good health. It gives us the vitamin D we need, but we can get too much sunshine. Fresh air, exercise, a good diet, pure water, rest, and moderation in all things (including sunshine), will promote health and help to prevent disease.####


(c) 1987, By Kathryn D. Terrell

This article was published in several magazines about ten years ago, yet it is still timely advice for both children and adults today.

You and your friends are generally more active than most adults. But are you as active as you should be? Physical fitness is a popular subject today, and none of us can be fit without enough exerccise. You may take part in vigorous outdoor activities at times, but are you exercising enough to stay physically fit and healthy?

You've probably heard the word AEROBIC. When you do aerobic exercises you use the lower half of your body. The constant rhythm or motion of your legs in aerobic exercise act as a second heart, pumping blood through your body. This assists the heart in its work. Aerobic exercise includes walking, running, swimming, and bicycling.

The opposite type of exercise is called ANAEROBIC. Sports such as volleyball, tennis, or baseball, build muscle, provide recreation, and teach coordination; but these activities are not constant enough to strengthen the heart and lungs properly. It takes the constant motion of the legs for at least 15 to 30 minutes to promote physical fitness.

You may not feel like running a mile or more 3 or 4 days a week to increase your fitness level. Nor does everyone have access to a swimming pool as much as they'd like. Also, in order for swimming to be aerobic in nature, you must kick your legs often while doing this exercise. Many of you own bikes--if you ride daily for 20 minutes or more, you should be somewhat healthy and fit. Yet sometimes this isn't enough, as you may do a lot of coasting and too little pumping.

That's where walking comes in. You can walk with your friends. You could encourage your family to walk with you regularly, so they too will be physically fit. Be sure to choose a time when it's convenient for your friends or family to walk for at least a half hour. After a few months, you probably will enjoy your walks so much that you won't want to quit. Walking in the fresh air and sunshine vitalizes the whole body, and this can make you feel good all over.

Brisk walking pumps the blood through your veins and helps your lungs to expand and take in deep breaths of fresh air. The oxygen in the air feeds all the cells in your body. Your heart is strengthened and even your brain is energized. An early morning walk can help you think better.

A walk in the afternoon before supper can help a child or adult who gains weight easily to keep it off or lose it. A walk at any time can make you feel happy and contented, once you get into it. If you're upset a walk can cool you off.

Walking is an exercise which allows you to talk to your friends, since you won't be out of breath juffing and puffing like and old locomotive engine. It's an exercise where you can enjoy the wonders of nature and observe your surroundings closely. and sometimes while you walk, you may feel you want to meditate and pray.

There are other advantages in walking for exercise. For example, runners may get specific injuries to their legs and feet, which are rare for walking. Sometimes walking is underrated as an exercise, yet brisk walks are actually considered equal in fitness value to slow jogging. Scientific tests have shown walking to be a definite benefit for promoting health in people of all ages.

Here is your chance to teach other people a better way to live, by your example. After they walk a few months, they will thank you for giving them a chance to improve their health.

Begin your walking program at a pace with which you and your walking partners are comfortable. If your legs start to ache, slow down but don't stop. Gradually walk for longer periods and at a faster pace. This may mean starting out at the rate of 2 miles per hour (mph) and working up to 3 or 4 mph. Walking for a half hour every day is probably all you'll need to keep physically fit. Or walk for an hour every other day. You'll probably have so much fun you'll want to walk longer.

Exercise is a natural law of our Creator which may be neglected more than any other. It takes determined effort to exercise daily. Nutritious food and pure water are available to most of us, but we may need to be strongly motivated to exercise when we should. Walking is a pleasant way to do this. It isn't strenuous, and there are a number of interesting places to walk--some of them right near your home. Walking isn't just "exercise," it's a way to enjoy yourself.### Top of Page


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