Our Christmas Spirit Homepage

Lights, Lights, and More Lights!

Well...it's July,1999 and I have been a little slow on updating our website. Check back soon and I will have new pictures showing how all the lights are wired. (A frequently asked question)

This homepage is dedicated to the spirit of Christmas. Each year our family covers our San Jose, California home with over 20,000 Christmas lights for everyone to enjoy! Due to the amount of people that came by to look and take pictures, we decided to encourage people to give to those less fortunate. We contacted the Second Harvest Foood Bank and used our home as a donation station. With media help from KNTV Channel 11 and San Jose Mecury News, we collected over 800 lbs of food in just 2 weeks. This year we are adding 3,000 more lights and are hoping for even more food donations. The food items that are in need are high protein foods such as canned tuna, meat, peanut butter and powdered milk.

The lights for the 1999 season will be turned on Saturday December 1st.
The hours are dusk to 10:00 PM (Except during heavy rain)

For Directions to our house Click Here

Tom & Linda Chilcote 191 Herlong Ave San Jose, Ca 95123 (408) 972-5628

Check Back in November 1999 for the updated Web Site and new pictures I have people ask me what the house looks like during the day and how I hook everything up. I will be displaying pictures on how things are wired next month.

We have had people visit our Web site from over 40 countries around the world including Japan, China, Poland and even Zimbabwe.The most hits other than the U.S. have been from Australia and Japan. We would like to thank you for visiting and feel free to email us with any suggestions for our Web site or questions about the lights. It has amazed us how we have had steady Web Site traffic not only at Christmas, but all year long! We receive many questions on how we wire all the lights. We will be posting pictures this November on how it's done.

If you would like for us to post a link to your web site please email us your URL. We ask that it be christmas related and please, no commercial advertising. Thank You....

Last Update 7/12/1999
This Santa Photo was done by a photographer for a newspaper and took almost 2 hours and about 20 different poses. Well worth the effort!

Santa may have his sleigh, but click here and see what the Elf's drive

Visit these other great Christmas sites:

Tips for taking pictures of Holiday lights



The Merry Christmas Page

Andy's Christmas Lights Homepage

The Christmas Shop

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More photos will be added after Thankgiving

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