Welcome to Pope John XXIII Council's Guestbook!

larry luttrell - 11/23/00 05:19:08
My Email:strigiformes@hotmail.com
CouncilNo: 1037


Louis Umile Pulicicchio, M.D. - 07/22/00 20:14:11
CouncilNo: 10334

23 July 2000 Dear Gary, Great and now starts the fun part. LUPO

James Teodosio - 07/22/00 19:30:43
My Email:Teo3981@aol.com
CouncilNo: 10334

Gary, your efforts in putting this Web Page together was remarkable. As this years' Faithful Navigator, I envision a greater participation between our present officers and our members. You did great job!

Steve Dunlap - 07/22/00 12:27:59
My Email:sdunlap@home.com
CouncilNo: 6629

This is a good start for a valuable service. Keep up the good work Gary.

Don Jaye Illes - 07/06/00 22:38:23
My Email:donjaye@saintly.com
CouncilNo: 2828

Great job...I've just begun to work on ours. I put it on my websit.....thejcommunity.net We are the oldest Council in Las Vegas, Nv. I work in the local media...Talkshow host on radio. Take care and God Bless.

Richard O'Brien - 05/16/00 06:32:44
My URL:http://kofc-bainbridge.org
My Email:robrien@bainbridge.net
CouncilNo: 11251

good looking site. Glad to see the council still active. I am a charter ember of 6250 and replaced Jim Crow as FS many years ago. Currently GK of 12251. My regards to all the old (Charter) brothers still about. Dick O'Brien

Jim Oberst SK, GK - 04/12/00 01:15:42
My Email:goberst@stny.rr.com
CouncilNo: 1839


Jim Oberst - 04/12/00 01:14:53


Vincent P De Rosa - 08/27/99 21:34:01
My URL:http://www.chicagotribune.com/link/knights0189
My Email:vderosa@megsinet.net
CouncilNo: 0189

I have returned this time in a different role. I am the Faithful Pilot and Assembly Commander of La Salle Assembly #0189 in Chicago. Visit us at www.chicagotribune.com/link/knights0189.

Vincent P De Rosa - 08/09/99 17:16:29
My Email:vderosa@megsinet.net
CouncilNo: Northside GK's & PGK's Club

I am with the Northside Grand Knight's & Past Grand Knight's Club in Chicago. Visit us at www.chicagotribune.com/link/northsideknights.

James P Nettles. Jr. - 08/01/99 15:13:16
My Email:jnettles@quik.com
CouncilNo: 2207


Mike Miller - 07/19/99 11:30:09
My Email:mmrural@bellsouth.com

Gary, great job on music addition to 4th degree page. Mike

- 06/30/99 15:44:37


Bill Kanapaux - 06/18/99 20:36:30
My Email:bkanapaux@cchat.com
CouncilNo: 6250

Great job! Very informative!! I think of the years (20 or more) that I produced the Knight Light. It kept us informed but what a task. This is the new era and what a thrill it is!! Keep up the good work. I'm well aware this doesn't come easily but i 's a great gift to give to your Brother Knights and the world!!!

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