Thomas Burrell

Goodspeed's History
James County Tennessee

Thomas S Burell, an enterprising planter of the Fifth District, was born in Towns County, Ga., March 3, 1849. He is the second of five children born to Butler and Malinda (Hooper) Burell. The father was born about 1818 in South Carolina. He was a successful farmer, but lost his property by the late war. He was a stanch Democrat, and a prominent member of the Baptist Church. He was killed instantly by a shot at the battle of Seven Pines, in 1863. He belonged to the SOuth Carolina troops, and was first lieutenant of his company. The mother was born in 1819 in Towns County, Ga., where she now resides, a respected member of the Baptist Church. Our subject received his education in the commons schools of his native county. At the age of fourteen he was bereft of a father, and left almost penniless. He engaged as a farm hand. In 1872, he went to Kansas, where for eight months he served in same capacity on the farm of John Maddox for $15 per month. In March 1873, he came to Tennessee, and settled in James County, where he continued farming. July 18, 1878, he married Miss Eliza Russell, a native of Hamilton County. She owned 217 acres of land, to which our subject has added 380, making a total of 597 acres. He is an industrious, energetic man, and a Democrat. He is not connected with any church, but is a firm believer in religion, and has a high moral character. Mrs. Burell is the daughter of James and Mary (David) Russell. Her father was born in North Carolina, July 6, 1780, and was reared in Washington County, Va. Her mother was born in Campbell County, Va. November 19, 1794, and was reared in Rockingham County, NC. They were married in Hamilton County, Tenn., Nov 6, 1834, and in that county spent the remainder of their days.

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