Hisani Farm
BLUE STAR with *Ibn Hafiza Arabian Horses
10 Lakeside Drive, P O Box 156
Bryant Pond, Maine 04219


The Horses
Hisani Farm
Halan Laili
Salila Hafiza
SAR Casure Star
Hisani Hafiza and Hisani Aliha
Hisani 'Patches'
*Ibn Hafiza GROUP


Halan Laili
(*Ibn Hafiza X Fadlara)
1976 bay mare
bred by RE Cowling
Salila Hafiza
(*Ibn Hafiza X Fabaira)
1977 grey mare
bred by RE Cowling
on lease from
Greg and Patty Tolar
SAR Casure Star
(CAS Azure Star X Halan Laili)
1983 bay stallion
bred by BL and PA Shaffer
Hisani Hafiza
(SAR Casure Star X Salila Hafiza)
bay 1992 mare
bred by G or T Hooper
Hisani Aliha
(SAR Casure Star X Halan Laili)
Chestnut 1990 mare
bred by G or T Hooper
Hisani Ibn Salila
(SAR Casure Star X Salila Hafiza)
grey1996 stallion
bred by G or T Hooper
Hisani 'Patches'
(SAR Casure Star X Salila Hafiza)
Chestnut 1997 stallion
bred by G or T Hooper
Hisani Mahrus
(SAR Casure Star X Salila Hafiza)
bay 1993 stallion
bred by G or T Hooper


           The *Ibn Hafiza daughters were bred by Cowling. As was one stallion who has "slipped through the crack." Since I wanted to repeat the same breeding that produced Star, I spent 2 years trying to find CAS Azure Star.

           The *Ibn Hafiza daughters came here around 8 years ago. Zarife Katun was bred to her granson SAR Casure Star. She was diagnosed with EMP soon after being bred. We kept her mobile until the foal was three months old. Hisani Mustajil was sold and gelded before he settled a mare. This tragedy coupled with the fact that the two other mares have only produced 1 filly each is going to make the FTSM w/*Ibn Hafiza group tough to survive, since both mares are 20.

           This year I leased the IBN SIRECHO son LE ENCORE. They were both bred, not yet confirmed in foal.

           SAR Casure Star has crossed very well with Egyptian-Crabbet-Polish mares. He produces foals with long legs and Abbayan characteristics. He has been bred to Amira Tiffany three times and has produced three very nice fillies: Amira Malika, Amira Jaleezah, Amira Jasmine and has been bred to her for a 1998 foal. Tiffany is Crabbet/Polish/ Egyptian, a *Tuhutmos granddaughter she has a nice head and is about 15.1. Her two mature daughters are taller than that. Malika and Jaleezah have done quite well in the show circuit.

Hisani Sameera

           Hisani Jzairah who is the only horse left from the original Hisani Arabians came here about 10 years ago, along with her mother NAUWAS. NAUWAS was a non-SIRECHO mare who was never bred within that group. She was bred to Star and had a nice stud colt. I have reserved two breedings to him.
           Hisani Jzairah produced four nice daughters which means that whe will be very well preserved. She is one of a few Blue Star mares who has *JALUM AL UBAYYAN and no *FURTHA DHELALL (Both 1960's Cobb imports). She was bred to LE ENCORE and did not settle.
           I have sold one mare of the BLUE STAR-*Ibn Hafiza cross and two stud colts with reserve breedings. All of the other stud colts were sold with a guarantee castration clause.
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*Ibn Hafiza
Hisani Jzairah
(Jalam Al Ubayyan X Nauwas)
1974 chestnut mare
bred by B or S Bond
Hisani Sameera
(Sar Casure Star X Hisani Jzairah)
1987 bay mare
bred by G or T Hooper
Hisani B Jzairah
(Sar Casure Star X Hisani Jzairah)
1988 Chestnut mare
bred by G or T Hooper
Hisani Jalamah
(Sar Casure Star X Hisani Jzairah)
bay1990 mare
bred by G or T Hooper
Hisani Julimeh
(Le Encore X Hisani Jaliza)
grey 1997 stallion
bred by G or T Hooper
Hisani Tifla
(Le Encore X Hisani Sameera)
grey 1997 mare
bred by G or T Hooper
Hisani Jaliza
(SAR Casure Star X Hisani Jzairah)
1989 bay mare
bred by G or T Hooper

Foundation Pedigrees:

Some of SAR Casure Star's outside get


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