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Subject: [COULOMBE-L] Fw: FTW Volume 8 Tree # 760
: Hi Ellen : : Here is what he says in his book. : : A CLAIM TO NOBILITY : A dubious but interesting story : Louis Coulombe's mother was named Laurence or Roline or, most commonly Boemi Drieu. There existed in Neubourg some Lords (Siegneurs) of Rieux (de Rieux). Rieux is an illustrious house of nobility in France. Alain de Rieux lived in 1055. The house of Rieux includes: Jean de Rieux, Merechal of France, who was born in 1342 and died September 1417, distinguished himself in the battle of Rosebosque where the English were defeated in 1404; Pierre de Rieux, son of the preceeding, surnamed "le Merdchal de Rochfort", Marechal of France, born at Aucenis, in 1389, died in 1438, served the cause of Carles VII. Jean de Rieux, who was aborn in 1447 and died in 1518, was Merchal of Bretagne and also lieutenant general under Duke Francois II who's daughter he tutored when the Duke died. The name of de Rieux, in this branch of Neubourg became Drieu. : : Hope this is of help. This information does not come as that much of a surprise to me; as I was coming to a similar conclusion. Let me clarify; in my eternal wanderings on the Internet any searches I have made on the name "Drieu" only produces Rolline (or Boemi) and no others. It strikes me as highly unlikely that there are no other Drieu's anywheres and thus I was beginning to suspect that the name might have been changed from something similar and I've seen references to de Rieux. I hope someday to be able to dig further into this. Anyone out there know anything further on this? Our poor Rolline seems to have been orphaned with time... And can anyone explain to me why Rolline, or Roline was commonly called Boemi? This confuses my poor Norwegian mind. - Grin! - Ellen : : Yes I received your files but it is empty. Sorry. I have discovered that the new version of FTW 4.0 has a glitch in it regarding saving reports in rtf format. I have to try and find out if they have a solution for this. I'll resend this file in GED format.
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