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Subject: [COULOMBE-L] Re: Christopher COLUMBUS

: Christopher Columbus had two children.  Diego, son of Columbus and his


The family rumour does not connect us with Christopher through his
the rumour is that the connection lies via one of his brothers.

: It is known  that Christopher Columbus had one or more uncles and cousins
who used the name
: Columbus but remained in Italy.

This may be where the connection lies.

:       In the biography Ferdinand Columbus wrote about his father he says
: that his father went to sea because of a famous relative called Columbo
: Junior to distinguish him from another relative called Columbo the elder.

: "Columbo the elder" was actually a French admiral named William de
: Casanove who c. 1469-77. Columbo the younger was a pirate in the service
: of France.  Neither were related to each other nor to Christopher
: Columbus.

If these were not connected to Christopher Columbus, why did Ferdinand
refer to them as relatives?

:       It seems unlikely that that the French Colombe families you speak
: of are in any way related to Christipher Columbus.

Please don't misunderstand me, John;  I am not "celebrity hunting" here.  
My sole interest is to ascertain whether or not this French surname had
its' origins in Italy

Thank you for writing.

                                Ellen M. Coulombe

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