On October 4, 1978, the first daughter was born to Doug and Rhonda Jordan (that would be me). I grew up in Hockley, Texas on Page Ranch, my family's 483 acre ranch where we raise Brahman and Brahman cross cattle. My immediate family owns and raises Quarter Horses. I started riding horses when I was 2 years old and have been since then. I have done just about everything on and off a horse that you can--barrel racing, pole bending, breakaway roping, goat tying, cutting, jumping, polo, western pleasure, halter, etc. During high school I was on the Waller High School Rodeo team, President of the Rodeo Club, a member of the Varsity golf team, a member of Youth Rodeo Association and Texas High School Rodeo Association, FFA member, and Beta Club member. In FFA I successfully raised and showed heifers and lambs.

At the beginning of my Junior year in high school, I decided I wanted to graduate early. In order to do this, I had to take Credit-By-Exam History and English at night school. It was really worth it! I was told that I would regret it, but the only thing I regret out of leaving early is the fourth missed year of showing in FFA and rodeoing. (That means that I am one of the youngest of my class--the Class of '00!) I was a member of Saddle & Sirloin and Texas Aggie Cattlewomen. I am a member of the Houston Area Aggie Club now that I have graduated.

My wonderful sister Julie, was born on April 27, 1981. She graduated from Waller High School May 29, 1999. During HS she played Varsity golf and now plays just for fun. She is currently attending Tomball College and hopes to transfer to A&M soon. She also rodeos-Barrels and Poles, and was a member of YRA, TYRA and THSRA--Region 7, before she got too old!!!!

Playing Golf kind of runs in the family. My dad plays, as well as most of his brothers and my cousins. Daddy works for Waller I.S.D. as a mechanic and seems to really enjoy it. In his spare time, between working at his real job and building stalls for our vet, he plays golf and takes us to our rodeos. He is on the Horspitality Committee at the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, which works one week before the rodeo start. He works during the NCHA Cutting hauling in saddles, feed, hay, horses, etc. for the cutters.

My mom works for Bettis Inc. Mama enjoys being outside as much as possible, it really doesn't matter what it is, whether it's riding around with us on the golf course, working with our dogs, or keeping our horses in shape for us. Mom just got a horse last December. His name is Phar Lap and he was a rescued horse. He's really sweet and is learning so fast! She has just started hitting golf balls in the front yard with Dad coaching her.

Together my parents enjoy Julie's and my activities, going out to eat, visiting with friends, and working around the house.

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