There are many people in this world of ours that are searching for the fountain of youth, when they forgot to look right under their noses.
It is but a little thing to have the necessary information to be applied to our lives that will give us not only better health but eternal life with it as all life comes from God and will eventually return to Him but this is not the way He had it planned back at the creation and he wants to restore us to His image.
What you will find here is a look given by a group of people who have found how to live a better healthier life style and benefit not only yourself but the whole community and of course God. There is a web site I found these at and have been given permission to share them with you here on my web site. Even though I did not write this material it is what i have tried to follow since I learnt of these concepts and the web site they can be found at is at the bottom of this page and in my links page as well.
There are 8 laws or doctors of health that we will look at which are natural laws correctly understood and adhered to will provide optimum health for all who will follow them.
Follow the links to each page below and you will see a wealth of information that is for your benefit and thank you for your visiting this site.
The 8 laws are:
NUTRITION . Where man was led astray God has given a means to return to His ideal diet.
Our bodies were made to work and without it our health suffers.
WATER. Our bodies are made up of nearly 80% water and we need it every day.
The sun is needed to help us to have strong bones and for vitamin D and it keeps our bodies warm to the right degree as long as we do not have too much.
With everything we do we need to keep it in balance and this law is to help us to not overdo anything that will destroy us like eating too much or too little and the same with exercise and all the other laws.
Without air we would die within minutes so we need good quality air to breath which help to fuel our bodies with oxygen which the body must have to survive let alone to live.
Without it (rest) our bodies would wear out quite quickly so we need sufficient to replenish our brains and heart and all the body.
The main one in the eight laws is to trust God which means we need to have a relationship with the CREATOR of the universe as how can we trust someone when we do not know them.