Crawly Crib Creature
- Materials:
- Knitting worsted - ½ oz. White, few yards each of six colors
- Knitting needles size 5
- Steel crochet hook size 00
- Six Styrofoam balls- 1 ½" diameter
- Scraps of felt, various colors
- ½ yard ribbon
- Tapestry needle
- Knitting needles: 1 fine, 1 size 10
- Scissors
- Compass
- Size: About 16" long
- Ball cover: (make 6 of different colors): Note: Sl all sts as if to p.
- With colored yarn cast on 9 sts.
- Row 1 - 6: Sl first st, k 7, sl last st.
- Row 7: Drop color; with white, p 9.
- Row 8: P 9.
- Row 9 - 12: Repeat row 1.
- Row 13: Drop white; with color, p 9.
- Row 14: P 9.
- Rows 15 - 18: Repeat row 1.
- Repeat rows 7 - 18 until there are 5 white stripes, end row 12. Drop white; with color, p 1 row; bind off all sts on next row.
Leave end for sewing.
- Finishing: With fine knitting needle, make hole through center of each ball. Enlarge hole by inserting larger needle, then
size 10. Sew covers over balls, joining cast-on and bound-off edges. With yarn and needle, draw sts tog around hole each
end of ball. Cut 7 circles of felt, 1 ½" diameter. Cut whole in center of each. With white and colored yarn tog, crochet a
chain about 20" long. Knot one end. String on felt circles and balls alternately; begin and end with felt circle. Knot end. Tie
ribbon bow each end close to knot.