1. Soften the look of your terry cloth towels with a lacy scalloped edging.
2. Give your linen closet a lift by using double-stick tape to invisibly hang a handmade shelf edging.
3. Create a rustic country corner with wood shelving edged with crocheted borders. Proudly display your personal collectibles for all to see.
4. Add a dainty picot trim to you favorite bed sheets, pillow shams or dust ruffle.
5. For an instant country cupboard, tack a crocheted edging to each shelf. Especially pretty if the doors have glass panels.
6. Transform an ordinary dish towel or potholder into a country classic with quick and easy ruffled edgings.
7. If your lampshades are too sleek and modern, countrify with a cotton crocheted trim.
8. Transform an inexpensive pine snack table into a folksy corner table by adding a crocheted border.
9. Gift giving ideas... add a narrow edging to jars of preserves or cookie tins for a nice touch.
10. Let your canisters go country! Use a clear-drying glue to attach edgings just below lid.
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