Craft Helps
Here are some of the ideas that I use to help with my crafting.
As I discover
more, I will post them here.
Milk jug lids:
These make great paint pallets.
Make sure that you wash
them out thoroughly,
you can then pour small amounts of the acrylic paint
colors that you are using. Use a different one for
each color. When you are
done, you can just peal the
dried paint out and wash or throw them away.
Dream Catchers:
Use waxed dental floss for the web.
The wax holds the
strands firmly and the
white is a beautiful color.
It is also easier to work with.
Use strips of real chamois to wrap the ring
of the dream catcher. Cut the
strips 1/4 to ½ " wide.
This is more inexpensive than hide and not as thick
and bulky as leather cord.
Glue Gunning:
Keep a cup of cold water with a ice cube in near by
using a hot glue gun.
If you get glue on your finger, just dip the finger
in the
cold water to immediately cool off
the glue and your finger. Use a popsicle
stick to hold things down when hot gluing.
This will save your fingers from
many burns.
Save your 25 mm film canisters, baby food jars,
pill containers, etc...
These are great for storing wiggly eyes, bells,
buttons, beads, pins, small
screws, etc...