Knitted Pincushions
- Materials for each:
- Knitting worsted - ½ oz. Red, yellow or lime green
- Knitting needles size 6
- Styrofoam ball - 3"
- Green felt scrap
- Green pipe cleaner - 5"
- Yarn needle
- Sharp knife or x-acto knife
- Medium grade sandpaper
- Scissors
- Pencil
- Tracing paper
- Covers: With knitting worsted and size 6 needles, cast on 28 sts. Work in ribbing of k 1, p 1 for 4½". Bind off in ribbing.
- Finishing:
- Lemon or Lime: Use knife to cut top and bottom of ball to a point, then use sandpaper to smooth surface and narrow
center of each fruit. Draw a small leaf shape on tracing paper use to cut two leaves from felt for each fruit.
- Apple: Use knife to cut a small hole for bottom of apple and a larger hole for top. Halfway down from top, cut away sides
toward apple bottom, then use sandpaper to smooth shape. Draw a larger leaf shape on tracing paper and use leaf pattern to
cut two leaves from felt.
- For all: Whip side edges of cover together, then gather bottom edge tightly. Insert ball and gather top edge. Punch a small
hole near the base of each leaf, then fold pipe cleaner in half and insert each end through hole in one leaf. Push ends of pipe
cleaner into top of fruit, leaving ½" of pipe cleaner extending on apple for stem.