When applicants choose to sponsor a workshop, we have training sessions at locations other than the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Cost of the training varies according to the site because of travel, overhead, publicity, site fees, and other variables incurred by the sponsoring group. Below is a current list of locations and dates of Titus 2 Birthing training. There is a contact email address for each location. Please click on the location of the workshop you desire to get information about that site's fees and where to mail your registration form.
If you are interested in sponsoring a workshop in your area, contact Titus 2 for more information.
2005 Titus 2 Birthing: Christian Labor Support as Ministry Trainings
Name ___________________________________ Date/Location Training ______________
Address __________________________________ City/State/Zip _____________________
Home Phone ______________________________ Work Phone _______________________
Married? ______ Ever been pregnant? _____ Number/Kinds of Births ________________
Why are you interested in labor support training? ____________________________________
Previous labor experience? _______________________________________________________
Are you a Christian? _______ Please provide a brief testimony ________________________
Do you see labor support as ministry? ____ How? ___________________________________
Interested in Christian Doula certification? ____ Christian Childbirth Ed. training/ cert? ___
Intersted in joining an association of Christian birth professionals? ______________________
Do you have internet or email access? _____ Email address: ___________________________
What do you hope to gain from this training? _________________________________________