Statement of Faith for T2 Birthing
We believe that God, Father Son and Holy Spirit, created the heavens, the earth and all that is in 6 days as proclaimed in Genesis.
We believe that God exists in unity and in totality as a triune being; Father Son and Holy Spirit and that these parts each has a purpose and a function complete in and of itself. God is eternal having no end and no beginning, ever the same and unchanging in His nature.
We believe that God the Father is love, perfection, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-present, all-sufficient. He is judge and requires that those who are called by His Name to live lives set apart and called out in righteous living. He loves His children and He institued a plan before the fall of man to reconcile them to Himself.
We believe that Jesus, fully God and fully man, came to bring reconciliation between God the Father and His children. He lived a sinless life, spent 3.5 years in ministry to show us the Father, instituted the church, died a horrible death on the cross to pay our sin penalty, and rose victorious three days later to show His power over death, hell and the grave. He took stripes on His back for our healing, and took our shame on Himself so that we could stand righteous in Him before the Father.
We believe that He sits at the right hand of the Father, ever interceeding for us.
We believe that He will return for those believers who look for Him some day soon, and we shall meet Him in the air.
We believe in the Holy Spirit as Intercessor, Comforter, Teacher, and Indweller. His indwelling in the believer brings power and annointing to do the work that the Father has ordained.
We believe that man is a created being, sinful in his nature, and in need of a Savior. All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. The only way to correct this defect is to accept Jesus is Lord, turn from sin in true repentance, and begin to walk in the new nature God imparts to us at salvation.
We believe there are two baptisms God requires of the believer; water baptism as an outward sign of the invisible work of salvation in the life of the believer, and the baptism in the Spirit when the Holy Spirit comes and indwells the believer.
We believe that the Bible is the infallible, complete Word of God, inspired and authored by God through the pens of men.
We believe that all that a man needs to know about God, how to live, and all truth are contained within it's pages.
We believe that the believer needs to read and study the Word for himself as meat and drink for the soul, just as he nurishes his physical body. In addition, we believe that each believer should have an active prayer life, involved in both listening and talking to God each and every day.
We believe in the Church as the Body and Bride of Christ, believers who have accepted Jesus as Lord.
We believe it is the responsiblity of the believer to find a place of service in the Body, to support it with tithes and offerings, and to support the leadership of the church placed in spiritual authority over him.
We believe that Jesus instituted the Church Universal, not a particular denomination, and that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.
We believe in a literal heaven as the dwelling place of God and a literal hell as the final resting place of a literal devil, his demons and the unrighteous sinners who refuse to accept the salvation found in Jesus.
We believe that Jesus will return bodily to reign and rule on the earth for a thousand years and that His Saints will return with Him to work.
We believe that the Great Commission applies to all believers and that God intends for every believer to bear witness to Him.
We believe that the believer must be busy in the harvest of lost souls; that job not being the soul responsibility of the 5-fold ministry.
We believe that God has annointed and placed godly men and women in positions to lead and guide His Body, the Church. These individuals who are annointed to minister have specific areas of ministry and greater responsibility to live righteous and godly lives as examples before the world. The requirements for these individuals can be found in I Tim. 3.
We believe that God calls whom He wills and equips them for the work He has called them to do.

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