The International Order of Job's Daughters
Bethel No. 175, San Leandro

Bethel 175's Installation January '98

Our theme this term: "The Gift of Happiness is the Best Gift a Friend Gives"

We are very busy!

Don't forget to see what's coming up
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since November 1997

Bethel 175 is a great group of girls and adults who love Job's Daughters. We have a lot of fun together! There's always something going on!


Our Elected Officers
Honored Queen
Senior Princess Junior Princess Guide Marshal
Nicole Dorothy Kristin Melissa

Our Appointed Officers
Chaplain Treasurer Librarian Recorder Musician
Lisa Amber Julie, PHQ Jessica Open
Senior Custodian Junior Custodian Inner Guard Outer Guard
Sara V. Open Brandy Open
1st Messenger 2nd Messenger 3rd Messenger 4th Messenger 5th Messenger
open Jennifer Tabitha Sara R. Lea

Some cool places to visit:
Bethel 266 Concord's homepage
Bethel 222 Oakland's homepage

NCGCA's Home Page

Our Council
Position Name
Bethel Guardian
Associate Bethel Guardian
Guardian Secretary
Guardian Treasurer
Guardian Director of Epochs
Director of Music
Promoter of Finance
Custodian of Paraphernalia
Promoter of Hospitality
Chairman of Youth Activities
Chairman of Goodwill
Miss Cathy Bullard
Mr. William Richmond
Miss Vicky Bullard
Mrs. Judi Pitcher
Miss Lisa Pirie
Mrs. Bonnie Richmond
Mrs. LouAnn DesJardins
Mrs. Cris Anderson
Mrs. Sue Lima
Mrs. Debbie Reid
Mrs. Phyllis Nelson

Active Majority Members

Jennifer Bullard -- PHQ and MM

Check out our Past Honored Queens

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