This is Simone's homepage

Welcome to my homepage! I'm glad you stepped in and I hope you have a pleasant stay!

We give home to a lot of great creatures of which you can see some photo's on the next page.

Ever since I own a Friesian horse I have become more and more devoted to this old Dutch breed. So I thought it a good idea to give them a place on my site too.

Recently I've taken up western riding and we just bought a quarter horse, which aren't easy to find here in Holland, so I guess I will have a page about western riding soon too.

this is my Friesian mare "Famke"

And yours truly riding her


All creatures great and small

The Friesian page

Some great Sayings

American Cowboy Sayings


Horse person's vocabulary

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ik ben tegen zinloos geweld !

This ribbon is to say I'm against all forms of horse slaughter.
Feel free to take it and add it to your site.

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