Welcome to

Citizens for Responsible Education Reform

Due to time constraints and too few site visitors, I can no longer provide the efforts necessary to maintain CRER at the level it deserves. I appreciate your interest in education reform and the role our federal government is playing (properly or not) in regard to it. If you wish to pursue this search for information, I would direct you to the following organizations, as well as to those found on CRER's links page. -- KL

Education Policy Institute
Education Consumers Clearinghouse
Texas Education Consumers Association
House Committee on Education and the Workforce

CRER Mission Statement

CRER is comprised of everyday Americans interested in furthering the cause of responsible education reform through the advancement of a better understanding of reform initiatives and legislation affecting children, parents, teachers, and communities. The organization takes a conservative, but realistic approach to seeking solutions to the failings of the American education system.

CRER will not always comment on each issue on the agenda. We will, however, do our best to keep you informed about the items our national legislators expect to address within the realm of education. In order to be most effective at the grassroots level, we must become active in espousing our views to public officials and the public at large. Visit CRER's grassroots page for additional information on this subject.

Get Involved -- Write Your Congressman

Policies don't happen by accident, and they don't change without input. One voice may not make much difference, but a lot of single voices do matter. They mean votes to our political leaders, and that gets their attention. So, if you really care about an issue, write your Congressional representative today. Better yet, write your newspaper as well. Visit the following page for a selection of hotlinks to easily connect with whichever national figure you deem appropriate. E-mail Congress Today!

Schedule for House Committee on Education and the Workforce
Status of the Education Committee's work to date
Membership and Jurisdiction of the Committee on Education and the Workforce

Hearings Schedule for Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee
Status of Senate Bills & Resolutions Referred to the Committee
Membership of Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee

Congressional Education Agenda,
Spring 1998

Issues Pages

Congressional Education Agenda,
Fall 1997

Issues Pages

What Works? What Doesn't?


National Education Reform News

Linked to EducationNews.org

CRER Survey Results


Links Page

Read about Karen Loss, the founder of CRER.
Read Karen's letter to the editor of Crisis in Education magazine.

Send comments and mail to CRER

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Last updated by CRER on 3/9/99