Citizens for Responsible Education Reform

The CRER Education Issues Survey Results

A Grassroots Opinion Poll

This survey was taken by 78 CRER site visitors between September 1997 and early February 1998. It is unscientific in nature, but provides interesting insights into the views of a population of individuals who are interested enough in education reform issues to search out such sites as CRER, and to thoughtfully respond to our survey.

A summary report providing respondents' remarks will be posted in the near future. Sometimes these remarks were offered to clarify answers given, while other times they were simply to stress the strong feelings a respondent has on a particular issue.

1. I believe the federal government should play a significant role in education policy.

Yes = 10.26%
No = 75.64%
Undecided = 14.1%

2. I support the concept of public, private and parochial school choice.

Yes = 92.2%
No = 5.19%
Undecided = 2.6%

3. I support the concept of K-12 education savings accounts.

Yes = 71.79%
No = 12.82%
Undecided = 15.38%

4. I believe national tests and national standards will raise the education level of American children.

Yes = 14.1%
No = 82.05%
Undecided = 3.85%

5. I believe more federal funding for education programs will improve K-12 educational outcomes.

Yes = 16.46%
No = 77.22%
Undecided = 6.33%

6. I believe the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers are serious about education reform.

Yes = 20.51%
No = 74.36%
Undecided = 5.13%

7. I am satisfied with the quality of schools in my local district.

Yes = 10.26%
No = 82.05%
Undecided = 7.69%

8. I generally approach education issues from a conservative perspective.

Yes = 83.12%
No = 7.79%
Undecided = 9.09%

9. I am concerned about the way in which social/cultural issues are being addressed in public education.

Yes = 91.03%
No = 5.13%
Undecided = 3.85%

10. I am a

concerned citizen = 48.72%
parent of K-12 student = 34.63%
public school teacher/employee = 17.95%
government employee = 6.41%
private school parent = 5.13%
university education professor = 2.56%
school board member = 1.28%
senior citizen = 1.28%
retired teacher = 1.28%

11. The education issue of greatest concern to me is

reading/literacy = 39.74%
social promotion = 14.1%
grade inflation = 14.1%
teacher unions = 10.26%
funding/school taxes = 10.26%
national standards = 10.26%
computers in the classroom = 5.13%
crime on campus/drugs = 5.13%
charter schools = 5.13%
lack of choice = 3.85%
fuzzy math = 1.28%
other = 8.97%

12. I am in favor of charter schools.

Yes = 59.74%
No = 7.79%
Undecided = 32.47%

13. I believe Republicans in Congress are seeking ways to reform and improve the education system.

Yes = 33.82%
No = 29.41%
Undecided = 36.76%

14. I believe Democrats in Congress are seeking ways to reform and improve the education system.

Yes = 17.95%
No = 69.23%
Undecided = 12.82%

15. I am a

Republican = 69.33%
Democrat = 10.67%
Other = 20%

16. I am personally taking, or definitely plan to take, action to help improve the education system.

Yes = 85.53%
No = 0%
Undecided = 14.47%

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Last updated by Citizens for Responsible Education Reform on 2/23/98