Bert (Chapter President), Major, Crystal,
Tiffany, Charm, JoyceAnn (Chapter Secretary/Treasurer) and Angel

WELCOME to the web site of the HEARTLAND CHAPTER of the WHITE GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB INTERNATIONAL, INC.™ We are a group of white German Shepherd Dog fanciers now based in the Phoenix, Arizona area, but we have Chapter members from all over the United States, including Nevada, New Mexico, Idaho and Minnesota. It is our goal to educate the public not only on the white German Shepherd Dog, but in all phases of responsible dog ownership.

Our Chapter members are involved in many projects, including dog training classes, the Midwest Pet Fair--the Heartland Chapter has sponsored the same booth since the first Pet Fair, obedience matches, breed rescue, white German Shepherd conformation shows, "Show-N-Go's" and so much more!!!!


Bert & Crystal - 1997 WGSDCII™ National Specialty
Judge's Award - Obedience

Would you like to learn more about us or perhaps join our Chapter?"
Click HERE for Chapter Membership Application

email For more Chapter information e-mail:

candle Click HERE for Heartland Memories candle

white dog white dog

Other White GSD Sites:

Terror's White Shadow Shepherds
Silver Kennel
White German Shepherd Dog Club International, Inc.™

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