Garb Rule Quote Source
1 NO WHINING!!! PM Physics Class 94-95
5 Sometimes you have a Murphy's Law day: if it CAN go wrong, it WILL go wrong. Garry Barnett
154 It ain't over till it's over. Yogi Berra
7 If it's stupid but it works, it ain't stupid.
97 The world is bullshit. Fiona Apple, 1997 MTV Music Awards
12 It's not the fall that kills you, it's that sudden stop at the bottom.
9 If you try to fail and succeed, WHICH have you done? Time Honored Truth
13 It doesn't matter what everyone else thinks. Ladies' Home Journal, 8/2000
3 It doesn't matter if it's righht; it's only wrong IF you get caught. Unofficial PMHS 95 class motto
84 Freedom is the freedom to say two plus two is four. When that is granted, all else follows, 1984
4 A true friend is one who knows what your worst quality is, and likes you anyway. Garry Barnett
20 All people are created equal; some are just more equal than others. Animal Farm
11 A manless woman is a grumpy woman. My version of a Physics Class quote
6 If something goes wrong, blame it on someone else. See above
14 If you want justice, go to a whorehouse. If you want to get screwed, go to court. Unknown movie
19 Who controls the past, controls the future; who controls the present, controls the past. 1984
69 Confucius say man who play golf in rain get balls wet.
96 If someone pisses you off, give them a Him: "Him, him, FUCK HIM." Fort Knox, 1996
21 Just do it. It's OBVIOUS!!
22 Quicherbitchin'!
23 It's never as bad as it seems: it's usually WORSE.
8 One man's friend is another man's enemy. Garry Barnett
10 To be intoxicated is to feel sophisticated but not be able to say it. Time Honored Truth
26 The older you get, the better you realize you were. Time Honored Truth
24 Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. TEACH a man how to fish, and he'll sit in a boat and drink beer all day. Time Honored Truth
27 Black leather miniskirts are powerful weapons. Ladies' Home Journal, 8/2000
28 The stuff you really like never goes on sale (until after you've bought it). Ladies' Home Journal, 8/2000
29 It's always your mother-in-law's business. Ladies' Home Journal, 8/2000
57 If it's right, it's not possible to love someone too much. Ladies' Home Journal, 8/2000
2 Any day that you wake up in the morning is automatically a good day. Garry Barnett
30 Confucious say sometimes best course with woman is to shut up.
25 Life: always another day, another quarter. (became fifty cents 4/19/06)
65 Age is a question of mind over matter: if you don't mind, it don't matter. Satchel Paige
26 Love is like the wind. You can't see it, but you can feel it. "A Walk to Remember"
31 This has been a test of the Emergency New Years System. If this had actually been the New Year, you wuld have been told to go fuck yourself. Giants of Science, New Years Eve 2007, 12/31/06
32 If you want to win a sports pool, get a woman to pick the games. Garry Barnett
33 A boat doesn't go forward if each one is rowing their own way. Swahili Proverb