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Palmer Family Homepage

Don Katie Danny Katelyn Becca Hannah

The Dance Floor

A little about us

My name is Don Palmer - my wife's name is Katie, we have four children, Daniel, Katelyn
Rebecca and Hannah. We live in a somewhat rural area of western NewYork, south of Buffalo not far from the PA. line. I work for Chautauqua County as a truck and heavy equipment mechanic at the D.P.W - Katie is the deputy town clerk for the Town of Stockton. When we're not at our regular jobs, we can usually be found either working in our fields, or waiting on customers at our roadside Famstand. By todays standards our 30 acre farm is small, but it still can be lots of work. We grow and market a wide variety of produce with Strawberries, Sweetcorn, and Pumpkins being our seasonal specialties.

Palmer's Fruits & Vegetables

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Agriculture in NY

When people from other areas think of New York State, big cities with their crowded urban areas come to mind. But NY is much more then the Big Apple, it's a major agriculture producing state.

NYS Dep. of Agriculture

NYS Farmers Direct. Marketing Association

How's the weather in Chautauqua County

Chautauqua County is a popular tourist area. The world renowned Chautauqua Institution has hosted many famous people over the years, it has been a favorite retreat for the former President Clinton.

Local History More Local History

Some of our favorite Websites

Cornell Cooperative Extension Chautauqua County

Chautauqua County.com

The Chautauqua Web

Chaut.Co. visitors bureau

Moore Computers

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Donald and Kathryn Palmer- Palmer's Fruits & Vegetables Feb.1998
Last revised: 03/24/2002