Greetings for friends who I have "begged" to visit my web site:
Don, an old (but young at heart)and dear friend from college. It was wonderful to hear from you, and about your wonderful family in 1999.
Stan, nice to be back in touch after all these years...Hello! to your whole family. May we be able to all get together soon.
Randy, from HS. Wonderful to hear from you and thanks for the laughs about HS and the prom!
Mary Alice, from HS. Hope to see you the next time you are down my way.
Carole, from HS. Thanks for putting me in touch with Stan! See you soon, I hope.
John and Bev, and their almost grown boys, who were our neighbors in Elizabethtown.
Dora, freshman year college roommate from Mansfield State College (now Mansfield University). How's the new puppy?
Alice and Phil, dear friends from MU. See you in June, I hope!
Dick, did we ever meet in college? Well, we'll see you and your wife sailing on the Chesapeake this summer.
Rich and Carolyn, from Michigan, our cruising friends and "ham" radio
Linda and Darrell, our "oldest" friends! Hi guys!
Lisa and David from our '99 cruise on the CostaRomantica...Hi guys!
PS: all my other online friends, you know who you are!
Special welcome to some relatives:
Glenn and Christine, write!
Glenn, my brother, have you made it to my page, yet?
Joan, my SIL and fellow webber, keep up the good work! Hi, Lovie!
And, I get to add one more special relative about to explore the world
of the FIL, John, in Florida!
Let it snow!