Bryce's Story

Small Beginnings of Someone Great

BRYCE JAMES CUTLER was born at 3:56 p.m. on May 21, 1997. He weighed in at
2 pounds 12 ounces (1245 g) and measured 15-1/4" long. His early birth was caused
by a condition known as partial placental abruption, (premature separation of the
placenta from the wall of the womb).

We were very pleased with his early progress. He was born breathing room air and
was never ventilated, or on continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or oxygen
via nasal cannula. In fact, as good fortune would have it, the only "complication"
Bryce had was a brief bout of conjunctivitis!

Despite being healthy he, like other babies born before 32 to 34 weeks gestation,
had an immature sucking reflex, and no body fat to keep him warm. Because no other
complications occurred, he was labeled a "feeder/grower", and his NICU stay was
relatively brief at 44 days, compared to other babies born at his gestational age.
Bryce came home on July 4, 1997, giving his family another reason to consider
"Independence Day" special!

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Bryce's Home Page
Mommy's Story
Bryce's Photo Gallery
Bryce's Photo Gallery II - See Me Grow
Mom's Favorite Preemie Links

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