
Coleneman, otherwise Culnaman, situate in the Manor of Lizard, Parish of Desertoghill, Half-barondy of Coleraine, and County of Londonderry...... This estate is situate on the road leading from Kilreagh to Garvagh. It is only three miles distant from each of those good and thriving market towns, and about ten from Colerain. Lands of Culnaman contains 535 acres.


1. Alexander JOHNSTON 11 2 16
2. James BOYD 15 0 26
3. William BOYD 4 3 5
4. John BOYD,sen. 9 2 21
5. John BOYD, jun. 12 3 3
6. Thomas DINSMORE 12 0 12
7. Thomas WALLACE 26 0 36
8. Arthur BAXTER 8 2 5
9. Valentine SUTTON 5 0 4
10. Robert HOGG 5 2 35
11. John GILMOUR 6 0 39
12. Widow HOGG 14 0 36
13. Patrick MOONEY 7 2 1
14. Hugh MOONEY 5 3 1
15. Samuel TORRENS, jun. 21 0 38
16. Smith TORRENS 23 1 35
17. Robert ARCHIBALD 11 3 34
18. Hugh KENNEDY 23 0 32
19. Reprs. of James KENNEDY 9 0 13
20. Samuel TORRENS, sen. 12 3 13
21. Hugh TORRENS 23 2 37
22. Robert ALEXANDER 5 3 16
23. Alexander TORRENS 11 1 15
24. John TORRENS 6 3 29
25. James TORRENS 10 0 12
26. James ORRE 7 1 28
27. John WOODS 17 1 24
28. David TORRENS 18 0 9
29. Jonathan TORRENS 35 0 32
30. Alexander TOY 3 0 3
31. John BOYD, 3rd 4 2 35
32. National Education Commission 0 1 0
33. Alexr and Geo BARKLIE, Esqrs. 90 1 22
34. In owner's possession 31 3 3
35. Roads and wastes 21 1 38
534 1 28