Public Records Office of Northern Ireland
Doc D664/0/5
Copied from original
(One Page Document)
Oath made by Garland Kennedy

City and County

The examination of Garland Kennedy Farmer who Maketh Oath Before me that he resides in the townland of Coolnaman in the Parish of Desartoghill Half Barony of Colrain in Sd County and who being Duly Sworn and examd Before me Saith

That on or about the Hour of Eleven Oclock on the Evening of Friday the 6th Day of July (Inst) he was in Company with James Kennedy of Coolnamen aforsd in a field near his own house where he was, met by a Number of persons who had assembled themselves in a Very Riotious & Disorderly manner, Armed with Large Cudgells Sticks poles and Iron Tongs. Among whom were Thomas Torrens Senr, Thomas Torrens Junr Alexander Torrans Senr Alexander Torrans Junr and Alexander Torrans [inserted above( & Mary his wife)] , Andrew Torrens, Samuel Torrens, John Torrens, HughTorrens Senr, Hugh Torrens Junr, Jane Torrans, Otherwise Blair, [inserted above..(Jane Torrens)], John Chambers, [inserted above... (and Mary Anna Torrens Widow)] all of Coolnaman aforr & Martha Morrell wife of James Morrell, James Elder and Margt his wife, John & Robert Elder their sons all of Moneydig in the Parish Half Barony & County aforsd Several of whom he saw Beat Batter Cut Wound & Abuse the Said James Kennedy in a Very Barbarous manner with the aforsd weapons.

Garland Kennedy

Sworn Before me this 9th Day of July 1810 &
Examd Bound in £ 5 to prosicute at Next general
sessions of the Peace to be held at Colrain for Sd

Alexander Orr

Visitations as of 27 March 2000